(A Book Token for one guinea will be .,warded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, March 27th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the pun,* and a 2}d. stamp. Solutions most be on the form l'elow. and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)
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1. Anatomical military command as to sword-carrying. (8, 6.) E. Brace in the Angel (anag.). (15.) 9. Incapable of humbug. (4.) 10. Always to be found in the best breed of mastiffs. (4.) 11. " Rides in the whirl-wind and directs the - " (Addison). (5.) 14. Perverse--as the result of solving too many puzzles ? (5, 7.) 17. Useless to such as plan a come-back. (6. 6.) 21. Joint for the neck. (5.) 23. She crossed the road and changed a poetic form. (4.) 24. A light-weight. (4.) 26. Character in fiction who might have used 27. (3, 9, 3.) 27. The cosmetic one keeps losing ? (9. 5.)
2. Not, as might be thought, the opposite of an innings. (6.) 3. " The - becomes a sightless song " (Tennyson). (4.) 4. Where terfold sheep with us. (7.) 5. Bird much given to fluttering in cap- tivity. (7.) 6. Herb bonnet. (5.) 7. It makes me turn to vulgar pence. (8.) 8. State of the unpressed coat, but not trousers. (9.) 12. The agent who inhabits Sandwich ? (9.) 13. Moralist dissipating the fog. (4.) 15. A corner of London at last 1 (4.) 16. Secret perhaps, but there may have been an exposure. (2. 6.) 18. U.K. shirt (anag.). (Y.) 19. Not all the aspic is in the can. (7.) 20. Foreign aspect of 24. (6.) 22. Fun with an American soldier. (3.) 25. Alexander the Small. (4.)