GAVIN EWART When I was an undergraduate at Cambridge (1934-37)
Dr. Leavis was my English Super- visor, and I had rooms directly below Dr. Snow in Christ's College. Contrary to what one might expect, I found Dr. Snow (whom I knew socially but not academically) very helpful on questions as to what to read: Dr. Leavis, on the other hand, good on the `Past,' but not so reliable on modern literature. If he and Scrutiny were to be believed, there were only about six modern authors worth looking at (and Ronald Bottrall).
Both, in their way, enormously helpful. But, it occurs to me, one could say hard things about both. Dr. Leavis has said them. Nevertheless, I would say that Snow is right; there are two cultures; no amount of clichés can disguise the fact. Or anti-clichés, for that matter.