16 MARCH 1962, Page 15


am told that my Richmond Lecture which you printed last week, may continue for a while to get some critical attention, so I shall be grateful if you will allow me to correct those of the errors in the printed text which are likely to be found most troublesome or annoying. (My handwriting was bad, and the time left you for proof correction brief.) First column, half-way down: 'No doubt he could himself pass With case the

tests' . . . [not 'tasks'].

Column 2, near the bottom: 'a slaughterous field-day.'

Page 300, column I, two-thirds of the way down: 'They carry for him a charge of currency-value' [not 'change'].

Page 302, column I, two-thirds of the way down : 'an effort only \emphasised by his "tragic"' [not 'effort'].

Column 3, end of section 'at whatever cost to protesting conservative habit' [not 'protecting'].

Page 303, column 2. bottom: 'It [not 'He'] gives us, too, the nature of the existence of English literature.'


Downing College, Cambridge