The arrivals from all parts of India this week are more than usually numerous. We ]rare advises from Canton to the 15th January ; from Bombay to the 17th, from Madras to the 29th, and from Bengal to the 01st of that month. The intelligence from Bengal, of a biter date than the 17th January, was obtained from a French vessel spoken by the Lady Flora.
Freight is still quoted, at Bombay, from 15 to 20s. per ton ; and at Calcutta, from 2/. and 3/. Pls. for dead weight, and 41. and 5/. for light goods ; but tine number of free traders at both of these places is now considerably reduced, and an improvement in the rate of freight will probably follow. Indeed, the tonnage for Europe, in the Hooghley, on the 1st January last, was nearly 10 per cent. less than it was at the same period of 1828. That the extreme distress lately experienced in India generally, but more espe- cially at Bombay, has been chiefly occasioned by injudicious speculation inn the part of the owners or charterers of ships, will be readily admitted after comparing tine number of private vessels which arrived at that port from Crest Britain in 1528, with the num- bers which arrived during the two preceding years.
In 1826 the number was only . . 20
In 1827 it was 43 In 1828,, 70 Some further disasters occasioned by the late hurricane near the Mauritius have been reported. At that island the gale lasted several days, but no very serious consequences seem to have resulted from it. The Meteor, Watson, for Hull, was driven to sea on the
• 7th of Feb. but returned on the 2211,1 with loss of her rudder, and 700 bags of rice thrown overboard.
The Woodford, Milbank, from Batavia to Antwerp, spniog a leak during the gale on the 13th of Feb. in lat. 29 south, Ion. 02 east, and was with difficulty kept afloat till it abated, when the crew and passengers took to the loug boat. After remaining in this state for sixty-four hours, they were fallen in with by the Scipio, from Singapore, and landed by them at the Cape. The Duke of Lancster, from Bengal, experienced a severe gale of wind off Madras on the 26th of Jan. during which she saw or vessel totally dismasted, but could render her no assistance.
The John Taylor has been erroneously stated to have arrived. She was left at the Cape on the 17th of March with her fore and mizen masts out, and would not be ready for sea till shoot the end of the month.
Arrived.—In the Channel, H.C.S. George the Fourth, Barrow ; Macqueen, Walker; and Marquis Huntly, Frazer. from China ; H.C.S. Asia, Balderstune, from Bengal ; Alacrity, Findlay, from the Cape ; Arab, Lowe, from Ceylon; Borodino, Mentrap, from Mauritius ; Triumph, Green, and Recovery, Chapman, from 'Tomboy ; Governor Har- court, Tullis; Lady Flora, Fayrer ; and Bruxbornebury, Chapman, from Bengal ; Fa- vourite front India. At Carves, for Antwerp, May 9, Asia, Edmunds, from Alanilla. At Liverpool, May 10, superior, Ormond, from Mauritius ; Ilth, Duke or Lancaster, from Bengal; 12th, Sir F. Burton, from Bombay: and Chieftain, from Bengal. At St. Helena, March 16, Sir F. APNaughtun, front Singapore; 22d, Ganges, Lloyd, from Ma- dras; and Upton Castle, Thacker, from Bombay ; 23d, Maria, Steele, from London ; 24th, Johanna, Tarbutt, and Asia, Stead, from Bengal ; 25th, Arab, Farrier, from Batavia, and Seppings, Loader, from Mauritius. At the Cape, March 4, Flinn, Philipson, and 7th, Henry, Pearson, front London ; 9th, Scipio. Petrie, from Singapore, with loss of bead of foremast ; 10th, Lady Feversham, Eiterhy, from London ; 17th, Isabella, Fox, from Bombay. At the Mauritius, Feb. 10, Maria, from London; and 17th, Neilson, Lang- ton, from Hamburgh. At Ceylon, Jan. 4, Chihli: Harold, West, from London. At Bom- bay, Jan. 'L Thomas, Davidson, and Stir, Nithsdale, Christian, front Liverpool; Jan. 6, Valiant, Bragg; 9th, Edward, Lambe; and previous to 1901Jan., Mulyina, Murray, from Loudon. At Madras, Jan. 5, Alfred, Hill; 7th, Rockingham, Hornblow, and 17th, Wel- lington, Evans, from London. At Bengal, Jan. 15, James Grant, Inglis, from Liverpool; 19th, William Money, Fuleher ; John Biggar, Kent ; and Coromandel, Boyce, from Lon- don ; 2010, George Canning, Craig, from Clyde ; 30th, Lady APNaughtou, Faith, front London, after being dismasted on the 13th Dee. in 15 south, 90 east,
Sailed. From Gravesend, May 9th, Neptune,Comberledge ; and 11th, H.C. S. Thomas Grenville, Shea, for Madras and Bengal. 13th, Isabella, Boucher, fur Bombay ; and 14th, Mary Ann, Hathaway, for Van Diemen's Land. From Liverpoul,May 9th, Arabian, Wells, for Bengal and Pomona, Highat, for Bombay. Spoken. H. C. S. Duke of Sussex, from London to Bombay and China, 7th April, 1 north, 21 west. Medina, front Bengal to London, 8th April, 0 north, 25 west ; she hail spolcen the Sarah a few days previous. Columbia, from Bengal to Liverpool, 27th April, 39 north, 43 west. Fairy, of Hull, off the Cape, 14th March. Jane, Elsworth, from London to New South Wales, 27th Feb. 33 south, 22 west.
Arrived. Off Plymouth, Seppings, Loader, from Ceylon. Off Scilly, Asia, Stead, from Bengal; and Sir F. BPNaughton, from Singapore. At Liverpool, Columbia, Kirkwood, from Bengal. Spoken. Suffolk, from Mauritius to London, 1st April, 8 south, 14 west. Scotia, from Bombay to London, 5th April, on the Equator.