16 MAY 1829, Page 13


Tuesday, May 12.

Psnyresasitios DISSOLVED.—T. Sedgley and It. Kirby, Banbury and Deddington, Oxfordshire, drapers—Brooks and Osbaidiston, Manchester, fent-dealers—T. and T. Smith, Ferichurch-street, coffee-brokers—II. and J. Newman, London and Highgate, drapers—R. College and C. Wilson, Cambridge, bricklayers—Ralm and Adamson, Sun- derland-near-the-Sea, merchants—C. Richards and sun, auctioneers—J. C. Mason and T. Blasstni, Billingborongh, Lincolnshire, surgeons—'T. C. and J. C. illolyneux, Liver- pool, chaiii-cable-malturacturers—'f., J., and J. Smith, Derby, tobacco-manufacturers- Thorpe, Loather, and Thorpe, St. John.street and Sutton-street, Clerkenwell, mahogany- merellants—Bobinm,o and E tick, Prince's-place, St. George's East, sugar- ren ners—Lowe and Thorne, Chelmsford, Inillers—T. Davis and R. It. Perry, Andover, surgeons—Chap- pell and Son, High Holborn, boot and shoe-makers—F. Yaniewiez and W. G. Weiss, Liverpool, music-sellers—J. Eyre and J. Smith, Sheffield, merchants—R. Pickard and J. Andrew, Mouchester, hackney-coach- proprietors—Sallnow and Son, Butcher-row, Ratcliffe, Middlesex, surgeons—A. and J. Hunt, Sheffield and New York, cutlers—E. Batten and S. Sparks, Yeovil, bunkers—Stocks and Dentith, Manchester, druggists— J. Matchitt and Co. Derby, grocers—J. and R. Parker, Onnskirk, Lancashire, curriers W. and J. Ball, Blandforcl-Forum, coach-makers—T. Hay and Co. Kidwelly, Canner- thenshire, tin-plate-ntanufacturers—\V. and J. Hargrove, AL and W. Gawthorp, and H. Alastennan, York, printers ; as far as regards M. and \V. Guwthorp. Ixsohy ENTS.—.111as 11, As.:y wet o Joza MEIRELLES, Liverpool, merchant—May 12, Titosias Baxav Cos; and FREDERICK FARMER MooRE, Old 'Change, Cheapside, printers—ARCO1BALD ALLARDYEE, Chadwell-street, Clerkeuwell, bread and biscuit. baker.

BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED.—ANN PAOWRIE, 'Manchester, milliner—Citanhss LISTER LEE, Leeds, stuff-manufacturer—Tuoma s SMIT1t, Watling-street, warehouse- man—HUGH laPC thoco, and SAMUEL STOCKS Samoa, Watling-street, warehouse- men.

BANBRUPTS.—[TO surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.]—Joss Fow tint, High Holden, Kent, victualler, May 15, 22, June 20: solicitor, Mr. Jordan, Lincolies-inn-Gelds—Linvus WILLIAMS, East-road, Brixton, victualler, May 22 29, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Vandercom and Comyn, Bush-lane, Cannon-street—I oat APCto I. I. own, Watling-street, warehouseman, May 22, 29, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Richardson, Shield, and Francis, Poultry—Nu:Rotas WEERES, London-street, Fen- church-street, merchant, Islay 19, 26, June' 3 : solicitors, Messrs. Swain, Stevens, Ma- ples, Pearce, Hunt, and Stevens, Frederick's-place, Old Jewry—Mulatto COSTER, Staining-lane, Cheapside, merchant, Play la, 26, June 23 : solicitor, Mr. Ruslibury, Car- thusian-street, Charterhouse-square—hax.ramme MATHEWS, Huoper-square, Good- man's-fields, victualler, May 22, June 0, : solicitor, Mr. Matanle, Pancras.lane- THOMAS TALBOT HARINGTON, Cornhill, merchant, May 19, 26, June 23: solicitor. Mr. Bourdillon, Bread-street, Cheapside—Jon x HENRY Jury' No, Bury- court, St. Mary- Axe, and Crescent, Clapham-common, commission-merchant, May 26, June S, 23: soli- citors, Messrs. Hutchison and Smeton, Crown-court, Threadneedle-street. BANEKUPTS.—[To surrender in the Country.]—Joins FINLAYSON, Cheltenham, music-seller, Nay 16, 29, June 23; solicitor, Nr, Xing, Serjeant's-inn, Fleet-street—. ANv PE0WRIE, Manchester, milliner, May 25, 2G, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple—WE LL1Am Sit 8 eSARD, Parton, Wiltshire, linen-draper, May 22, 23, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott, New-inn—ItoBERT GRIBBLE, Barnstaple, linen-draper, May 22, 23, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott, New-inn—lideuAtto 51ITToN, Storth-in-Linthwaite, Yorkshire, cloth-merchant, June 10, 11,23: solicitor, Mr. Walker, Lincoln's-inn-fields—Jour ALDER BRADLEY, Hulme, Lancashire, surgeon, June 5, 6, 23 : solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and Medealfe, Lincoln's-inn fields—SlAny TEAGUE. /Wrath, Cornwall, grocer, May 29, June 2, 22: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Geogury, and Faulkner, Bedford-row—IOcnARD ED- WARDS, Newport, grocer, Slay 29, 2:1, June 23: solicitors, Messrs. Poole, Greenfield and Gamlen, Gray's.inu-square—CuAamcs IIeWETT, Sidmouth, Devonshire, gardener, June 12, 13, 23: solicitors, e.:•:rs. Lys, Took's-court. Chancery-lane—JA MKS WRIGHT, Manchester, bookseller, Slay 25, 27, June 223: solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, Walinesley, and Gorton. Chancery-lane—Jou x WALTON, sen. Brumley, Yorkshire, cloth-dresser, May 18, 20, June 23: solicitor, Mr. Wilson, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury—.tons TAy- Loa, Manchester, oil-dealer, June 1, 2, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Parry, Temple. v on mos .—May 19, J. Albra, Chelmsford, innkeeper—J une 5, G. Page, Cranborne- street, silk-mercer—June 2, J. A. Gilbert, George-lane, Botolph-lane, merchant—May 26, J. Deakin, Crawford-street, Marylebone, linendraper—May 19, R. Rutlidee, Ilreedon Beck, Northamptonshire, plumber—June 4, S. Law:-s New Sarum, Wiltshire, victualler —June 3, N. Bragg, Whitehaven, Cumberland, butcher—May 26, II. R. flaw, Riches- court, Lime-street, merchant—June 3, J. Stevens, Norwich, yarn-factor—June 4 W Pace, Hastings, Sussex, surgeon—June 4, 11. Johnson Kingston-upon-HMI, linen- draper—June 5, S. and II. S. Crane, Stratford, Essex, merchants—Slay 22, C. Alderson, Lawrence-Pountney-place, Cannon street, flour-factor—June 2, T. Clark and G. Bryson. Bridge-road, Lambeth, and Chatham, linen drapers—May 22, .1. Thm»psan, Fenchurch- street, merchant—June 10, J. and .1. W i iks, Sowerby, Yorkshire, flax-spinners—June 4, W. Robinson, Botesdale, Suffolk, maltster—June 5, E. Hales, Birmingham, corn-dealer —May It!, C. Hoppe, King-street, Cheapside, merchant—June 4, W. Scowcroft, Haver- forthvest, shopkeeper. EERTIFIcATES to be grunted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before June 2.—A. Rangeley, Glossop, Derbyshire, cotton-spinner—T. W. Wingate, Bath, dealer—T., J., and \V. Simmons. Llanymynech, Shropshire, road-contractors—W. Bloxam, Abingdon-street, Westminster, tnerchant—T. Clark, Hesket, Cumberland, cattle-dealer—F. Jones, jun., Bristol, mason—R. Dunn, Arabelia-row, Pimlico, ap- praiser—J. Berridge, George-yard, Whitcomb-street, stable-keeper—J. Harris, Grace- church-street, auctioneer—P. Boras, Liverpool, livery-stable-keeper—R. Vulgate, Habergham Eaves, Lancashire, commun.brewer.

Friday, 11iuy 15.

pAirrNEasturs Pummery anti It. Pitcher, Chester-street, Kenning-

ton-lane, stone-masons—C. and A. Jones, Hereford, milliners—J. Holding and J.

Morris, Swan-Mead, Bertnotulsey New.road, carriers—C. Woodward, H. Bedford, and J. B. Stanley—S. AsIdan and \V. Nicholson, Whitby, Yorkshire, confectioners- Hackwood, Dim:Rock, and Co.—.i. and J. Carlile, Leeds, tobacco-manufacturers—H. Camberlain and Sons, porcelain-manufacturers ; as far as regards II. Chamberlain— J. and S. Middleton, Hyde, Cheshire, ironmongers—Gray, Snit, and Brown, Brompton park, Kensington road, nurserymen ; as far as regards 11. Brown—Worrall anti Cold, Bristol, bankers—A. and J. Fletcher, Stockport, Cheshire, :and Staveley, Derbyshire, brush-manufacturers—L. and S. Shapton, Bridport, llorsets.Lire, haberdashers—E. mid W. SI. Millington, and S. Y. Bailey, Manchester—W. Eccles and Co., Over Darwen, Lancashire, cotton. manufactui ers.

INso E xTs.—Slay hi, Emu situ Hotsi Es TANI.olt and HENuy WALKER, New- court, Throgmortomstrect, wine-merchants.

BANKRCPTCY ES:LAI:et:D.—JOHN BAINES BOND, Windmill-street, Haymarket, Victualler, from Slay 19 to Slay 29.

BANKaueTs.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, 13usinghall-street.]—SA31UEL JOHN Id t NG , Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, upholsterer, Slay 22, June 9, 20:

• ?Jr. Smith, Chancery-lane—MAI-1.11E1y Bat:sunk:1.n, Croydon, coal-merchant,

May 22, 29, June 26: solicitor, Sir. Hyde, Ely-place, Holborn—li EN v TOI.L011, Glo- cester-place, Boston, merchant, May 19, 29, June 20 : solicitors, Messrs. Burt and Drummond, Corntarthez reet, Bedford->geare—.tans Go"1/1/AND PA nano, York, wine-merchant, flay 22, 20, June 26: solicitor, Sir. Leigh, George-street, Slansion.house —Ft:Eris:LICE \V VATS', Marlow, Buckinghamshire, coach-proprietor, Stay 22, 29, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Goodman, Tokenhouse-yard—NATITAxiEL FRENCH, jun. Oxford- street, draper, Slay 19, 2.0„tune : solicitor, :11r. Brittan, ilasinghall-street—Tir °ALAS Ho LLINcs witaTit, 60,m:11-street, butcl:er, May 19, 26, June 20 : solicitors, :Messrs. Ilindmarsh and Si!:, Creseent, Jewin.street, Cripplegate—Jo FIN BE xs ox and JOHN WILLIAM IVEse EY, William -street, Bridetvell Precinct, coal-merchants, Slay 19, June 2, 26: solicitors, Messrs. 31Is lox and Sidney, Austinfriars—WiLLIAN WiLtieLmS, Lom- bard street, merchant, May 22, 26, June 26 : solicitor, Mr. Nicholson, Dowgate-hill- RotiERT LEvENs, Drury-lane, coach-master, May 22, 29, June 20 : solicitors, Messrs. Bruce and Sons, Surrey-street, Strand—JAMES WI csENDEm Rotti x sox, and H EN rty MAttrt N Runt Ns oN, Walbrook-buildings and West Bromwich, Staffordshire, wrought iron tube-manufacturers, May 22, 29, .hone 26: solicitor, Mr. Gale, Bash:glean-street- AND it Ew Coss EU, Bridge-road, Lambeth, carpenter, May 20, 29, June 20 : solicitor, Mr. Alexander, Clements-inn—Ttion.Ns WALTER, sem, Wilstone, Hertfordshire, baker, May 22, 29, June 26 : solicitors, Messrs. WI:Pales and Bethel!, Lincoln's-inn-fields.

Be N U eTS.—[To surrender in the Count 0d—it:lets LRwis, Cwinsychan, Mon- MOUthshire, grocer, June 4, 26: solicitor, Mr. Bigg, Southampton-buildings, Chan- cery-lane—Jos mutt Puriss es, Bristol, builder, June 3, 4, : solicitors, Messrs. King and Whitaker, Gray's.inn-square—Wi IssAsi BLATItERWICE, Beeston, and Notting_ ham, brie-manufacturer, Slay 25, 25, June 26 : solicitor, Mr. Capes, Raymund-buildings, Gray's-inn—WiLLIALI BEsr, Wolverhampton, factor, May 28, 29„fune 2.1: solicitors, Messrs. Vizard and Blower, Lincoln's-inn-fields—J.1m is GARNER, Woolston-mill, 'Warwickshire, miller, Slay 25, 20, June 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Horton, Hol- born-court, Gray's-inn—WILLIANI JAN,40N, Hayfield, Derbyshire, and Manchester, cotton-spinner, June 1,5, 26: solicitorseMessrs. Makinson and Sanders, Middle Temple —T110MA.s ATM.: wrox, Manchester, innkeeper, May 29, SO„itine 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington, Gregory. and Faulkner, Bedford-row—JOHN BENNETT, Manchester, earthen- ware-deafer, Slay 28, 29, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, King's Bench- walk, Temple—Emit AR0 li A wist OTTwAy, New Sarum, coach-maker, June 5, 6, 20: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Beak enridge, liart:ett's-building,s; Holborn—DENNIS )IATT, Pent on-Mewsey, Hampshire, earn-dealer, Slay 29, 23, June 26: solicitor, Sir. Ford, Great Queen street, Lincoln's-inn-fields—Er ARD NVIN.NA1.1„ St. Jollu-in-Bed- wardine, Worcestershire, miner, May 28, 29, June 26: solicitors, Messrs. Cztrdale, Bux- ton, :old Netvion, C, ray's.inn—J MIN BAKER, Norfolk, butcher, May 25, 20, June 2(i: solicitor, Sir. Lyt !Igoe, Essex-street, Strand—Jon:v. CosTElt, Gosport, baker, Slay 20, June 2, 23 • solicitor, Mr. alinchin, Hs:pm-street, Bloomsbury. DIVIDENDS.—June 5, A. Clarkson, Arbor-terrace, Commercial-road, ship.owiter-

• ne 5, W. Field, Nutkin's-corner, Bermondsey, plumber—June 2, H. Foulds, Qneen-

street, Southwark, carpenter—June 5, E. l'ietts, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker- June 5, P. Geronimo, Bristol, looking-glass manufacturer—June 13, T. Barnett, Kendal, corn-merchant—June 4, J. Woodford, Melcombe-negis, ironmonger—Jane 9, J. Crisper, Nottingham, tare-manufscturer—Jime l2, J. Christie, Mark-lane and Manchester, mer- chant—May 20, W. Matthews, Crooked-lane, tin-plate-merchant—June 5, C. Howard, Shachlewell, vietnaller—June 5, T. Wyatt, St. Paul's-churchyard, warehouseman—Slay 26, E. W. Garbett, Hercules-hall, Lambeth, zinc-manufacturer—May 20, J. T. Barham, Bread-street, Cheapside, laccIdealer—June 2, E. Jones, Reading, canvass-manufacturer —June 3, T. Johnston, Cheapside, warehouseman.

CERTIFICATES to he granted, unless cause he shawn to the contrary on or before June . 1'. and W. L. summertield, Liverpool, merchants—T. Fridy, Boughton, Kent, grocer—T. N. Hirst, Huddersfield, merchant—SI. Jones, Brenmawr, Breconshire, iron- monger—O. E. Lewis, Bath, surgeon—T. Toinkinson, Park-lane, Staffordshire, tanner— J. Clark, Kensington-gravel pits, victualler.