16 MAY 1829, Page 13



A Series of Dissertations, peel minary to a Nov Harmony of the Gospels. By the Rev. E. Greswell, M.A., and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.—Captain Brooke is about to give an Account of a recent Tour in Barbary and Spain —A new edition of the Voyage of Captain Popanilla, with Illustrations by Daniel Maclese.— Travels in Turkey. Egypt, Nubia, Palestine, &c. By R. R. Madden.—A volume of Stories of Popular Voyages and. Travels ; containing abridged narratives of recent tra- vels of some of the most popular writers on South America.—Under the superintend- ence of Mr. George Don, A.L.S., a new 'edition of Miller's Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary.—The Present State of the principal Debtors' Prisons of the Metropolis. By J. S. Northhousc.


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