Arrived-At Gravesend. M.ty 11th, Briton, Parker, from Ceylon; 12111, Hive, Litsconthe; Moffatt, Cromartie; Louisa Campbell, M'Queen ; Nlinerva. 'Templar; Cat math., Ryles; Adelaide, Guthrie; and Australia, Lobbin ; all front China. Hero of Maloun. Smith; and Marquis of Hastings, Clarkson, Com Bombay ; Julianua, Tarlatan. from Bengal ; Fairy Queen, Duathwaite, from Ceylon ; Jean, GbItlie. from Singapore ; Eagle, Patterson; Henry Bell, Westley ; and Eliza, Harris, from Mauri- tius. 13th, Noma.. Baker, from China ; Sir E. Paget, Martin, from Bengal ; Anthony, Headley ; mitt Malvina, 'Thornton, from Mauritias. 14th Belle Alliance. Arkoll ; Bombay; Kellaway ; and Marquis Camden, Larkins, from China ; Orissa, Bogeys; and Singapore. Cat gill, from Singapore; Lord NV. Bentinck, Thompson, from Manilla ; London, Wisuble; Lortl Ilungerford. Farquharson; and Mactpteen, Thorapson. from Bengal; and Favourite, Young. from the Cape. At Deal, 131.11, Lady Raffles, Pollock, from Bombay. Off Portheal, 8th. Calcutta. Bowman, front Batavia. Off Falmouth, 12th. Bvker, Bruce, (tom the Mauritius for Leith. At Bristol, 10th, Courier. Sinclair ; I lth, Victoria, Wilson; and Arabian, Hoeft, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 9th, Cordelia. Creighton, from China ; Fairy Queen, Snipe, from Bengal ; and Brian Born. Harrison. from Singapore; 10th, Zeno, Lawson. from ditto; and Albion, NPLeoth from Bengal ; and 11th, Lawience, Gill, from ditto; Zoe, Holmes, from Mauritius ; and 12th, London, from Bengal. At St. Helena, March 14th, City of Altenleen, Munro, from China ; 171h, Helen Mar, Peacock ; and Japan. Withers, from Batavia ; and Emerald. Crawrorth from Mauritius ; 21st. Mount Stuart Elphinstone, -, from Madras ; Coromandel, Boyes ; and Elphinstone, Domett, from Bengal. At the Cape. Feb. 13th. Eama, Littlefield, from Bristol ; Cleveland, Morley; and William Nicholl, -, from Bombay; Victory, Bitten; and London, Lamb, from London, At Nlauritius, Jan. 18th, Eleanor, Havelock, from Mauritius; and Feb. 4th. Clihlon. B DE1111, frtIM Li‘erpool. At Bombay' Dec. 21th, John Marsh, Lucas ; and Jan. 231, Otterspool, Richardson, from Liverpool. At Madras, Jan. 10th,
Duke of Argyle, Bristow; 12th, Wellington, ; 13th, Larkins, Ingram ; and 14th, Mary Anne, Horublow, from London. At Bengal, Jan. 7th, Marinus, Patterson, from button; and 15th, Frank, Seabright, from Liverpcol.
Sailed-From Gravesend, May 11th, Bolton, Campbell ; and 14th, Protector, Button- shaw, for Madras. From Liverpool, 13th, Blake, Thompson, for Bombay.
Arrived-At Deal. Elphinstone, Domett ; and Coromandel, Boyce, from Bengal. Off Portsmouth, Asia, Stead; and Welliugton. Liddell, from Madras. Off Aberdeen, City of Aberdeen. Munro, from Chiva. At St. Helena, March 22d. Isabella. Brown. front China ; and 31st, Jessie, Bell, from Bengal. At the Cape, March 9th, Mary and Jane. Winter. front Mauritius ; 12th, Courier, Davidson, from Liverpool; and James Pattison, Middleton, from Madras; 15th, Coventry, Purdie, from China; Henry. Bunney ; and Stratheden,Cheape, from London; and Ilibernia, Gilles, from Bengal 16th, Lady Gordon. Hartner, from Bombay ; 17th, Triumph, Green, from ditto; ftrid Emily, Downs, from London ; aml 20th, Claudine, Ileathorn, from ditto. At Madras, Feb. 4t11, Lady Flora, Ford ; Aberdeen, Shuttleworth; Barrett() junior, Sanders; and Hiudostan, Redman, from London. Stilled-From Gravesend, May 15th, Warblington. Crosbie, for St. Helena; and Crusader. NIDonald, for Van Diemen's Laud. From Liverpool, lath, Dauntiess. Piudar, for Bombay.