At a meeting of the Society of Arts, held on
Tuesday evening, a lecture was delivered by Mr. T. Wicksteed, Engineer to the East London Water-works, on the distribution of the supply of water to the Metropolis. Among other facts, it was stated, that the eight Metro- politan Water-works supplied, in 1533, 35748807 imperial barrels; or on the average more than :35,C00,000 of gallons daily, The number of tenants was 191,006; the amount received by the companies 277,425/., or only three quarters of a farthing per barrel. It also ap- peared that upwards of three millions sterling had been expended by the various companies on their works, and that the dividend upon the capital was under 3 per cent.
After the lecture had been delivered, Dr. Roget, on behalf of the Society, presented a microscope, worth 100 guineas, and of remarkably fine structure, to Mr. Arthur Aikin, the Secretary. It was manufac- tured by Mr. Ross, of St. John Square, Clerkenwell. The numerous end highly.respectable meeting testified, by hearty plaudits, their con- currence in the brief but feeling eulogium pronounced by Dr. Roge.t on the zeal and knowledge evinced by Mr. Aikin in promoting the objects of the Society, whose Secretary he has been for the last nineteen years.
From the late returns, it appears that the number of curates in Eng- land is 5,282, whose average salary amounts to only 801. per annum.
The ceremony of confirming Prince George of Cambridge is ex- pected to take place in the course of the ensuing month, by the Bishop of London.