Cbr Court.
Tier. King and Queen arrived in town from Windsor Castle on Wed- nesday. The King held an Investiture of the Order of the Bath soon after his arrival, and General Sir Edward Stopford and Sir Henry King, were knighted by his Majesty, in due form. The Levee was then held. The Earls of Morton and Sheffield resigned their gold keys of office as Lords of the Bedchamber, and Viscount Falkland kissed bands as one of their successors. The attendance at the Levee was very numerous ; and many gentlemen, the greater number of the military profession, were presented to the King.
On Thursday, the Queen held a Drawing-room—more numerously attended than any previous one this season. The account of the pre- sentations and the descriptions of the ladies' dresses occupy seven co- lumns of the Morning Post. On looking over the names of the com- pany, we find a great predominance of the Tory aristocracy. Out of a list of thirty Earls, there are only three who can be called Liberal; and the Tory Dukes and Marquises exceeded their political opponents of the same rank in the proportion of three to one.
The King on Thursday gave audiences to the Marquis Wellesley and Lord Hill.
The Dutchess of Kent gave her second grand assembly at Kensieg. ton Palace on Tuesday. The King spent Thursday evening with the Dutchess of Gloucester, and the Queen attended the performance of Marino Faller° at the King's Theatre.