16 MAY 1840, Page 16



A Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, and of a Resi- dence nt the Court of Debt Mohamed ; with Notices of Runieet Sing, Khiva, and the Russian Expedition. By G. Vigno, Esq., F.G.S. With Illustrations, from Drawings made by the Author on the spot Whittaker and Co. -Three Years' Residence in Canada 08374839.) With Notes or a Winter Voyage to Now York, and Journey thence to the British Possessions. To which is added, a Review of the Social, Commercial, and Political Cinulitiou of the Canadian People. By J. R. Preston, late of the Government Service at Toronto. In 2 vols.. Bentley. FicrioN, The Prophet of the Caucasus; an Ilistorieal Romance of Krim Tartary. By Edmund Spencer, Esq., Author of " Travels in Cireassia, Krim Tartary, the Western Cau- casus," Fee. In 3 %els. Whittaker and Co.