A long and not entertaining correspondence has been published in the daily papers, on the subject of a dinner which the Marquis of Lon- donderry wished the officers of Hussar regiments to give to Prince Albert, who has become one of their corps, being Colonel of the Ele- venth. The Marquis advertised a meeting of the officers; and many were ready to unite with hint; but when the affair had made consider- able progress, the Marquis of Anglesey threw cold water on it. He suggested that it might be disagreeable to the Prince to accept the in- vitation, and equally so to assign reasons for declining it ; and as Lord Anglesey, it may be presumed, took his cue from the Court, Lord Lon- donderry saw it was useless to persevere. Such is the substance of several letters which passed between the two noble Ilussars.
As we understand that some persona have taken off the postage label- stamps from letters which have passed through the Post-otfice, and made use of such stamps on letters a second time, we think it right to apprize the public, that by no doing, parties are guilty of felony, and subject themselves to transportation.—Morning Chronicle.
Giudetta Grisi, sister of Julia, died lately, at her husband's house near Cremona. The performances of the prima donna at the Italian. Theatre in time I laymarket, are suspended at present, on that account. Mr. Robert Steuart, one of the Lords of the Treasury, has resigned his office.