16 MAY 1863, Page 22

Les Ecrivains Francais, leer Vie et leers CEuvres. Par P.

Barreret Membre de rAcaddmie de Paris, Sm. (Williams and Norgate.)—This work, which professes to be a brief history of French literature, is de- signed mainly, though not exclusively, for the use of English students. M. Barrere's plan consists in giving a short biography of each writer mentioned, and a rapid but adequate criticism, supported by brief extracts from his principal works. The present volume closes -with Vol- taire, and is to be followed by a second, which is to comprise the remain- ing writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth oentwies. M. Barre.re appears to have executed his task with care and judgment, and we hope that his work will meet with the favourable reception which it certainly deserves_