The Gladstonian Member for Paisley, Mr. W. B. Barbour, died
of influenza at Brighton on Wednesday morning. His death vacates another seat, and this time a Gladstonian seat ; but it is not very probable that the seat can be rescued from the Home-rule Party. Major MeKerrel has consented to contest the seat in the interest of the Conservatives. But as in 1886 the majority for Mr. Barbour was 566 on a total poll of 5,548, the prospect is hardly a very hopeful one. In North Bucks, the seat of which Captain Verney has been deprived by the vote of the House of Commons, was won in 1886 by the Conservatives, though only by a majority of 71. At the by. election in October, 1889, when Mr. Egerton Hubbard succeeded to the peerage as Lord Addington, it was lost again by 208 votes, Mr. Evelyn Hubbard, the present candidate, being de- feated by Captain Verney, the poll showing 4,855 votes for the latter against 4,647 for the former. In the present contest, Mr. Evelyn Hubbard is opposed by Mr. Leon on behalf of the Gladstonians.