There has been a WHOM, revival of cattle-driving in Ireland.
The Times of Monday notices half-a-dozen cases which have occurred quite recently in Galway and Queen's County. At Loughrea, where the police had impounded a number of cattle which had been driven on to a farm against the wishes of the owner, the offence was immediately repeated, and riotous crowds were charged by the police with batons in the streets. We note in connexion with a case which was tried before a special Court at Tuam that the police who attempted to prevent the crowd from hunting the animals were overpowered by the cattle-drivers, fourteen of whom were bound over to keep the peace. It will be remembered that various Nationalist M.P.'s advised the people to give the "hazel" a rest for a few months. They are now evidently indemnifying themselves for their acquiescence in this self- denying ordinanoe.