The Daily Mail of Wednesday publishes an interview with Mi•.
Haldane in which the Secretary of State for War deals with the very widespread anxiety in regard to the com- paratively small number of Volunteers who have as yet re-enlisted in the Territorial Army. At present not more than forty per cent. of the required number have been obtained. Mr. Haldane declares that this is not alarming, and believes that the three hundred thousand men required for his scheme will be obtained before June 30th, the limit cf, the re-enlistment period. We most sincerely trust that Mr. Haldane's optimism will be fully justified ; but we are bound to say that we cannot help sharing the mis- givings to which we_ have alluded. We cannot conceal from ourselves the fact that if, unhappily, the numbers of the Territorial Army should be short by a hundred or a hundred and fifty thousand, we should be face to face with a national disaster. It is, therefore, greatly to be hoped that every section of the community will now do its utmost to assist the County Associations to complete their tale of men, and to fill in the framework designed by Mr. Haldane, a framework for which we have nothing but praise.