SIR,—I read with interest Valentine Ward's letter dealing with the
problems of film distribution, and should like to offer a little comment. Any cinema manager will tell you that, should there be further cuts in tilt import of American films, the exhibitor's audiences would
immediately halve themselves. This is not said without reason, for where would the cinemas be without Westerns, serials and American domestic comedies ? British film companies have yet to succeed in producing any number of these, and it would seem that many cinemas would be without a good second, or sometimes first, feature, were these not imported from America.
It is fantastic to say that we should show more British films if they are not there to be shown. The renters will soon enough seek out a film that the British public likes, but they will also recognise a second-rate picture, and common sense immediately tells them that only an imported American picture is going to make up a worth-while