Sir: It is delightful to learn that Mr Ludovic Kennedy
(9 May) has, in spite of his 'humanist attitudes,' attended so many Church of England services that he can form a sound judgment on them.
A suggestion: would he ask to attend at least a part of a course run by the College-of Preachers which, with slight financial support, has been trying to help more than 1,000 clergy- men to do what Mr Kennedy wishes them to do—to communicate?
A request: would he help me in my problem as one of the clergy? To me it seems that the Lesson, a very important part of the ser- vice, can be a part taken by laymen. Some- times I feel, without false humility, that I could read it better than the layman. Ought I, therefore, to take it out of the layman's hands because I know that not all laymen can read as well as Mr Kennedy claims to do?
Last, to answer his question, here is at any rate one who has heard the end of Matthew ii. 8 read in a properly sinister manner.
Kenneth Meikleiohn
St Peter and All Saints Rectory, ken Way, Dorchester, Dorset