Towards a nuclear Europe
Sir : Professor Laurence Martin, in his article entitled 'Towards a nuclear Europe' (25 April), wrote: `Mr McNamara has long asserted . . . that nuclear weapons can serve only to deter nuclear attack on the United States or its allies.' This is not true! Mr McNamara has never said any such thing.
Robert E. Walters 7 Argyll Mansions, London W14
Laurence Martin writes : Of course I did not mean to deny that nuclear weapons serve as an indirect deterrent and much of my article was devoted to this. Perhaps 1 should have written 'can only be used in response to.' 1 do believe this is Mr McNamara's view. Thus in his last posture statement, 22 Jahuary 1968, which was by way of a farewell address, he wrote: 'the fundamental principle involved is simply this: it is the clear and present ability to destroy the attacker as a viable twentieth century nation and an unwavering will to use these forces in retaliation to a nuclear attack upon ourselves or our allies that provides the deterrent. . . :