Trade unions and the law .
Sir: The suggestion that trade unions should be made liable to damages for breaking agree- ments has been countered by the argument that this would not have any effect on the un- official strikes which are the real problem.
I would like to propose a way out of this difficulty; which is that those who strike against union orders should automatically !hereby lose union membership, thus depriving themselves of their livelihood until reinstated by paying an appropriate fine; unions remain- mg liable for damages if they retain default- ;tg, members. This would at once restore dis- ,:ipline inside the unions and promote rank and file interest in union affairs with a con- sequent diminution of minority manipulation for ulterior ends.
The right of an individual worker to with- hold his labour is, of course, in no way in- volved since he could always change jobs while retaining union membership.
John A. Davis The Department of Child Health, St Mary's Hospital, University of Manchester