Crossword no.1378
Across Second-hand dealer looks as though he has even less than before (6) 4 Vessels that cut it short? (8) 10 The savage tabby strikes (4-3) 11 How the family tells all? (7) 12 'My — awake! perfourme the last Labor that thou and 1 shall wast' (Wyatt) (4) 13 A charm I thus unravel and find an old- fashioned thing (10) 16 Half the horse ran and turned about to cause great fury (6)
17 Rembrandt's Lesson (7) 20 In place of pamphlet discover this is to entice (7)
21 What one magpie scores, alas (6) 24 Serve tea as the way to make a solemn declaration (10) 25 'For, lo, the winter is past, the — is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth' (Song of Solomon) (4) 27 Descended into being illuminated (7) 29 Hot stuff in the medicine cupboard! (3, 4) 30 Delay payment, to be frank (4-4) 31 One who remains on course? (6) Down
1 Incite to great naturalism which might other- wise perplex (8) 2 It's to be real, which changes and blots out revelation (11) 3 Sea change conceals every one (4) 5 Cross greyhound moving so? (8)
6 Fifty into a pail in disguise (10)
7 Make a meal of tea (3) 8 Seedy way in (6) 9 Celestially heraldic states (5) 14 'Forms more real than living man, Nurslings of —' (Shelley) (11)
15 This simply made things worse (10)
18 Put it down to a solvent account (8)
19 The cheat whose head is turned! (8) 22 Knock back the beer (6) 23 Puts a dome in place (5) 26 A bit light on stage (4) 28 It gets stepped on in a hurry (3)
Solution next week
Solution to Crossword no. 1377. Across: 1 Borrow 4 Fragrant 10 Orvieto 11 Milling 12 Enlightens 13 Just 15 Arsenal 17 Teacher 19 Gesture 21 Satires 23 Ions 24 Antipodean 27 Patella 28 Plovers 29 Timidity 30 Perrin. Down : 1 Boomerang 2 Reviles 3 Oleaginous 5 Ruminates 6 Gull 7 Azimuth 8 Tight 9 Soft 14 Gastronome. 16 Lie in wait 18 Rising sun 20 Sanctum 22 Roe-deer 23 Input 25 Imps 26 Clad.