The transactions in-English Stock during the week have been unimportant. The market has been frequently depressed ; but though the appiehended inter- ference of France in the struggle about to commence in Spain has induced some speculative sales, the scarcity of Muney Stock has tended to keep up prices. Consols for Account have been several times at 87 b ; but have generally risen immediately above 88. The closing price to-day is 87i 88. Exchequer Bills are steady at 41 42. In the Foreign Market, the sales of Dutch Stock have been very extensive; but speculative purchasers have prevented any great decline of price. The- quantity of Dutch Stock delivered on the settlement of the Account, which took place to-day, has been very large, and money has been consequently in demand, at rates varying from 4 to 5 per cent. The fluctuations of Dutch Bonds have, however, been trifling; but, as the number of real sales far exceeds that of effective purchasers, the market is heavy. Belgian Bonds have been in great demand, and the price of these securities has improved upwards of 2 per cent. ; the highest price of the week being 96; it is undefstood that this improve- ment has been caused by some large purchases which have been effected by the Bank of Brussels. The speech of King LEOPOLD to the Belgian Chambers has not been without its effect on the Bonds.
The New Greek Bonds are very heavy at the nominal price of 104 105. This stock has not yet found favour with the capitalists; and the transactions in it are few and unimportant. Brazilian Stock has been steady at about 66. Russian and Danish Bonds are also at nearly their old prices. We are without any intelligence of importance from Portugal. The New Regency Bonds have fluctuated between 60 and 631, and close this afternoon at 60/,. The Old Portuguese Stock has been rather in demand, and closed this afternoon at 69b 70. Spanish Stock has been a favourite object of speculation : in the early part of the week it was in demand at 23; some large sales have since depressed it to 22,4; but it has again recovered. to 23b, which is the closing price. No intelligence has been received this week either from. Mexico or the South American States; and the Bonds of the several republics are nearly at our last qu dations.
The English Funds have slightly improved on our yesterday's quotation. Consols for Account being 88b. Exchequer Bills are still 41s. 42s. In the Foreign Market an impulse has been given to Portuguese Bonds by the adver- tisement of the dividends due on let of next month. The dividends in both descriptions of Bonds due on 1st December will be paid in full on that day; when debentures will be given for the 10 per cent, of over-due dividends still existing on the old Portuguese Bonds. Every arrear of dividend existing on the Portuguese debt will then be satisfied ; and the existing Government cannot fail to reap the benefit which must arise from the honourable sacrifices which it has made to meet the demands of its foreign creditor. Spanish Bonds are at yesterday's prices. 3 per Cent. Consols 881 Belgian Spec Cents... 954 6 Mexican 6 per Cents... 34 35 Ditto for Account.. 881 trazilian 5 p. Cts..... 654 6 Portuguese 5 p. Cts... 70 New 31. p. Ct. Ammo. 9641 Itroaish 3 per Cents... 724 3 Do. Regency Sc. 5p Ct. 61. Bank Stock Dutch 24 per Cents... 494 4 Prussian (1318)5 p. CL —
India Stock French 3 per Cents. .. — Russ. (1822).5 p. Ct. .. 10243 Exchequer Bills 41 42 Greek (133)5 p. Cts. 104 5 Spanish (1321) 5 p. Ct. 22434.
Arrived—At Deal, Nov. 13th, Catoline. Treadwell, from New South Wales. At Liverpool, Ilth, Sir F. Burton, Reid ; and lath, Ranger, Mitchison, from Bombay; and 13th, Madras. Thornton. from Bengal. At Bombay. June 25th, Chailes Kerr, Brodie ; Hero, Thompson ; Diamond, Blackett ; and Egyptian, Lilburn, from London. Minerva, —; Majestic. Lawson; Elizabeth, Blenkensopp; and Hall, Hughes, from Liverpool. At Ceylon. Bencoolen. Powell, from Liverpool.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Nov. 9th, Henry Freeling. Home. for Bengal; 13th Palamban, Willis. for Bombay ; and 14th, Craigevar, Reay, fur New South Wales.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Fanny, Drnmmond, for Mauritius; Upton Castle,. Duggin, for Bombay ; and Ann, Tindttle, fur Calcutta.