The Eastern question continues to find occupation for French politicians.
There are rumours in Paris that an arrangement has been completed between the Porte and MEHEMET', under French. mediation, by which the Egyptian Paella is to be secured in the hereditary dominion of Syria and Egypt, with the government of Camila for one of his sons: but this is not very probable, nor alto- gether consistent with other accounts, which represent England and Russia, united, exercising paramount influence at Constanti- nople, to the discomfiture of France. Lord PONSONDY, it is said, received the new French Ambassador to the Porte, 31. Poaerois,.. with extreme coldness. Again, another report is to the effect that a remarkable rapprochement has taken place between France and. Russia in respect of the Eastern question, and that Lord PAINER■ sToN and Lel.d PON,'ONDY have been completely outwitted. The Journ(d des Mats fin,: twelve of its columns whim a very stupid narrative of the tour of the Duke of ORLEANS into the in- terior of the Regency of Algiers ; but neither that document nor the briefer official report or Marshal VALLis explains the reasons of the speedy return of the troops which marched with the Duke. It is, however, surmised that the ex:),.‘dit ion tidied owing to the bad. weather and the sickness of the soI,tiers.
Prince E'4TERIIAZY ittul passed through Paris incognito on his journey to Vie.loa; having been rattler suddenly summoned by Prince METrEnxicit, who, it was said, desired a personal interview with him, and some explanation of the "mysterious policy of England" on Eastern aflidrs.