• The only material variation that has occurred during the week in the Go. vernment 'Securities, has been in the price of Exchequer Bills, which have im- proved considerably in value ; the discount at which they arc current having decreased from 12s. to par. This rise is attributable to a belief that the Government will soon be compelled to raise the interest, Ihd,, to 2d. per day, as R large amount will become available for payment into the Exchequer at par in March next. To-day we have intelligence of the arrival of the Imogene ship of' war, long expected, from the Pacific. This vessel brings nearly 500,000/. in specie; which added to the recent arrivals from America, and several small importations from the Continent, must have considerably in- creased the amount of bullion in the Bank coffers. It is not expected that the quarterly return to be published to-morrow will show any material increase in the average, as the three months to which the return extends have been those in which the dearth has been the greatest ; but there is a general belief in the City that the Bunk store has been of late considerably augmented. It is to the prevalence of this opinion only that we can refer the firmness of the Government Securities ; which have during the last few days improved about 1. The foreign exchanges improved on Tuesday last, and the increased rates have been supported to-day. -Money is also much more easy than it has been lately, and the market firmer than for some time.
The Foreign Funds have also improved upon our last quotations ; Dutch Bonds only excepted ; a large quantity of which have been sent over from Holland for sale in this market, in consequence of the commercial distress at Amsterdam, and the price has consequently declined per cent.
. By the Imogene we have intelligence from Rio Janeiro to the 25th Septem. hem', All idea of' a new Loan had been abandoned by the Government ; aid it had been determined to provide for immediate exigencies by an issue of Treasury debentures. The local stock, which by a previous arrival was quoted at a depreciation of 5 per cent., had risen 10 per cent. from the lowest price ; thus establishing an improvement of 3 per cent. A rise of 2h per cent. has been the consequence ; many speculators, who had sold Stock in anticipation of the Loan, having, been among the purchasers to-day. Spanish Stock had risen 11. per cent. upon our last prices in the course of the week ; but the pressure for money has been severely felt at the settlement to- day, and it has fallen back 1 per cent. Portuguese Securities of all kinds have rallied, in consequence of a decree in which the Lisbon Government express concern at their inability to pay the dividends, and hold out expectation of' some provision being made fur them on the meeting of the Corte. This was in some quarters considered as a sort of pledge for the adoption of the plan of Baron LARGOS, to Which we alluded a fews weeks ago ; and some purchases at advanced prices gave an impulse to the Stock this morning; but, the preSSUre for money has caused a reaction in the tali:moon to the full extent of the rise.
South American Securities are heavy ; and there is a general indisposition for speculation in these and all other non-dividend Stocks, in consequence of the difficulty that still exists, even in the improved state of money, of obtaining advances upon them except at exorbitant rates of interest. Syrentesv, TWELVE O'CLOCK. Sonic large sales of Three-and-a-half per Cent. Stock have operated preju- dicially uroli the English Funds. New Three-and-a-half per Cents., which Were yesterday at 981, have been as low as 98k; and the Reduced Three per Cents., which were at 97, have fallen to 971 h. The Consol Market has consequently given way, and the price after being at 90i for Account, has }linen to 90h. Exchequer Bills are the sante; viz. 2 dis, to par. India Bonds are also unchanged, at 6 dis. Bank Stock is lower, being 179; and India Stock is quoted at 250h. The principel business of the -Foreign Market has been in Spanish Stock, which opened at 27h is but soon declined to 26, to rally slightly to '27h. Portuguese Bonds are also lower, though there have been but few transactions in them. Dutch Stock may be quoted lower, but the only business of importance llas been in Spanish Stock. - The usual statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank. of England has appeared, and, as we anticipated, the amount of' bullion has but slightly increased; the excess as compared with last month being only 20,000/. It is however, worthy of remark, that this is the first statement made smee.the commencement of the year that exhibits an increase in the stock of bullion. The other items of the account are all diminished, the falling off in the amount of the circulation being to the extent of 377,0001., that in the secunttes 1,066,0001., and that in the deposits 602,0001.
We have had very little business of consequence during the afternoon, and .....- markets close generally fiimer than in moment buyers at 90e for Account, but Stock has been at 271, but closes 27e but the operations in them do not afford the morning. Consols have been 8 is now the exact price. e. Portuguese Stocks are also any scope for remark. for a Spanish better,
3 per Cent. Consols 001 +
Ditto for Account 90+ + 3 per Cent. Reduced 891 * New 3* per Cent. Anus 98/ + Bank Stock 1781 Iudia Stock 2501 Ditto Bonds — Rzehentter Bills par 2 did. Belgian 5 per Cents. 1004 14 Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts Ditto 3 per Cents Russian (1822) 5 per Cent Spanish (1835) Spec Cent Deferred Stock Passive Ditto
721 31 73 74 514 * 321 I 221 I — 271 121 f+, 01 7e