All her Majesty's Ministers are expected in town on Monday next to attend the Cabinet Council on important and urgent business...-. Globe.
The Duke of Wellington has appointed Colonel Garwood Deputy. Governor of the Tower of London.
The 'Marquis of Waterford, in addition to his already princely for- tune, obtains 5,000/. per annum by the demise of his uncle, the late Lord George Beresford.
Lord Francis Egerton has been rei:dected Lord Rector of Glasgow University, The Duke of Wellington has suffered from a cold, which some of the newspapers magnified into a serious illness.
Mr. Webster will sail for New York in the Mediator, from Ports- mouth, on Wednesday next.
Miss Augusta Maywood, a young American lady, has created a van sensation at the Academie Royale, Paris, by extraordinary dancing in Taglioni's style. Her debut was on the 11th instant.
English travellers are again flocking to Athens, now that the oppres- sive heats of summer are passed. Lord Alvanley, Lord Rokeby, Sir Andrew Barnard, Colonel and Mrs. Dawson Darner and family, Cap. talus Gelatin', Grenadier Guards, Mr. Hay, formerly of the Colonial Office, and General and Mrs. Gordon, are among the notables here jus: now.