The James Matheson, Cushing, from Liverpool to China, got on shore, at Wexford, on the 8th instant, with fore and main masts cut away, aud is full of water ; crew saved. The Isabella. Hardy. from Port Phillip to London, was totally wrecked 011 Flinders' Island, 22,1 June; crew saved.
The Martha. of Newcastle, has been condemned at Moulmein.
Anetvso—Al Gravesend, 12th inst. Stratford, Tait, from Mauritius; 15th, Sarah Char- lotte. Damien, from the Cope; 14th, Hydrabad. Harrison. from Calcutta ; aud Jane Goo- die, Goudie, from Sydney. in the Downs.12th, Galatea. Owen, from the Cape; and Ocean Queen. Freeman, from Sydney. At Portsmouth, 14th. Sovereign, Mann, from China. Off the Wight, ditto, Wm. Hyde,S teward, from ditto. At Liverpool. 1001, Hercu- lean, Gibson ; and Symmetry. Mackwood, from Bombay ; 1 1th. Wm Mitchell, M.Lean, from China ; and Indus, Taylor, from Calcutta ; 13th, Dryad, Mausen ; and Mary Ann, Marshall, from Singapore; ThIstle, Turner; and Westmoreland. Emery. from Bom- bay. At Dublin, 9th, Hope, Crawford, from China. At Cork, 12tb, Urgent, Goodwin, from ditto. At St. Helena, 23d Sept. Peruvian. Black ; and Kilblaio. Shaw, from Cal- cutta ;Madura, Smith, from Madras; and Marmiou. Ewing. from China. At the Cape, previous to 18th Sept. Owen Glendower, Robertson ; Maidstone, Nash ; Guardian, Vic- kermau ; Robert Ingham, Clough; Agincourt. Neatby ; and City of London, Martin, from London; Vibilia, Roberts ; Martha hue, Thorns; Lord John Russell, Garrity ; and Phlox, (steamer,) from Liverpool. At Mauritius, 24th Aug. Java, Parker, from Lon- don. At Colombo. 18th Sept. Brunette. Cousins, from London ; and 20th. John Patchett, Norman, from Liverpool. At Singapore, 11th Aug. Ellen, —, from the Clyde. At Batavia, 10th Aug. Mona, Lawson; and 16th, Gongs, Bowman, from Liverpool. At Houg-kong. —, Patna, —, from Liverpool. At Sydney, 12th
• July, Haidee, Marshall. from Liverpool. At Hobart Town, 16th June, Eudora, Mac- meckam ; and 26th. Lady Grow. H mkes, from Loudon.
SAILED.—From Gravesend, 12t1i Nov. Stirling, Fluter, for Calcutta ; and 13th, Duke of Wellington, Mormon, for ditto. From Liverpool, 8th, Anne Mary, Faulkner. for Bombay ; sod Llewellyn, Weatherly. for Ceylon; and 13th, Coaxer, Penn, for Cal- cutta. From Greenock, 8111. India, Sutherland, for Victoria (Hong-kong.) From Leith, 9111. Nemesis. Dem. for Calcutta. SATURDAY MORNINO.—ARRIVED —In the Downs, 151h instant, Grecian, Watt, from China.
SA1LED—From Greenock, 141,, David Clark, Mills, for Bombay.