The Yorkshire Penny Bank : a Narrative. With an Introduction
by E. Akroyd, M.P. (Longman.)—Mr. Akroyd gives some .very inter- esting facts about this institution. It was founded in 1859. In 1870 it numbered 248 branches, in which there were more than forty-six thousand accounts and deposits, amounting to £229,609. 3 per cent is allowed to depositors, and the difference betw eon this and the higher interest at which the money can be invested with part eat safety suffices to meet all the expenses of the institution. The features of the Bank are security, which is provided for by carefully considered and efficient regulations, as well as by a guarantee fund, and facility of deposit and withdrawal. The "Narrative of Individual Cases of Benefit" supplied by the actuaries of the various branches is very interesting. Not the least benefit is the opportunity it gives of intercourse between classes commonly separated. To use the secretary's words, "The Bank is doing a great work in soothing down class asperities."