The Year-Book of Education for 1878. Edited by Henry Kiddie
and Alexander J. Schem. (Steiger, New York.)—This book is a sort of educa- tional dictionary. Articles on all kinds of topics connected with the main subject are arranged in alphabetical order, the most important of those articles being on the various States of the Union and other countries, and the legislative enactments, the statistics, and the facts relating to education which belong to each. Some of the information thus given is interesting and curious. We should like to know how many of our readers are acquainted with the state of education in Alaska. They will probably be prepared for the statement that it is at present only in a " rudimentary condition ;" but they will be surprised to hoar that its prospects are " universally promising," as the "people are entirely self-supporting." It is scarcely flattering to our national self-love that " England and Wales" are dis- missed with little more than seven columns (out of a total of about 400) while New York is allowed nearly double the amount. But the allotted space is full of carefully compressed, and as far as we have been able to judge, accurate information. We note, too, that the writer of the article on Scotland has apprehended the main point of the educational difficulty those. In fact, wherever we have tested the book, we have found it good.