The Swiss papers record the overthrow of M. A. Carteret,
a gentleman who, for seven years, has been almost Dictator of -Geneva. A man of high character and literary tastes, he regarded Ultramontanes much as our forefathers regarded Jews, and exerted all his ascendency with the people to obtain complete control over the Catholic clergy, whom he tried to supersede by State cures. He passed law after law to -compel the Catholics to endure the State priests, and even to elect them ; but as he could only worry, and not really persecute, as in the old days, he failed utterly, and the people have at last elected a Government which, it is believed, will propose the -separation of Church and State. M. Carteret's ascendency seems to have been based partly on his religious policy and partly on considerable expenditure for popular objects, the Fazy plan of rule. He had, however, none of M. Fazy's defects of personal character.