For the proper filling up of a Colonial Governorship, said
Mr. Chamberlain, a great many qualifications are needed,— namely, high character, good social standing, a large experi- ence of affairs, tact, discretion, exceptional intelligence, and an attractive personality. And yet, as day by day the number of requisite qualifications increases, there is a growing ten- dency to diminish the emoluments of the office. Nevertheless, hitherto there had been no difficulty in filling up these great offices with men thoroughly worthy of them, whose duty it would be to devote themselves as much as possible to develop- ing the resources of the territory under their charge. Western Australia, with an area of eight times that of the United Kingdom, and a population only one five-hundredth of ours, is an immense field for new labour, without a large supply of which the great and various resources of the new State cannot be developed.