16 NOVEMBER 1901, Page 1


1117THERE is little or no war news to record this week, which io doubt points to some movement being in hand in re- gard to which the niilitary authorities wish to observe complete secrecy. - The only facts mentioned in the recent telegrams are the doings of very small bodies of Boer raiders in the Cape Colony, and the withdrawal of several prominent members from the Bond on the ground that the Bond deceived the people. While dealing with the war we may note Lord Selborne's excellent speech at Leeds on Thursday. We entirely agree with his refusal to yield to any pessimistic forebodings, and heartily endorse his reminder that though we talk of the war as long, it would not have seemed long to our forefathers. What was being tried now, be declared, was the "grit" of the people. Well, we see not the slightest sign of that "grit" fail- ing in the real people,. though it may be among the idle classes and the restless rich.. But if we ask for " grit " from the people, we must ask it also from the Government, and "grit" there means not a blind and helpless lost-child-in-a- fog reliance on experts, but an active, eager prosecution of the great object. - " Grit " is not shown in tolerating a defective 'military policy merely because it is certified "sound" and " the only possible policy" by military experts