[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Your correspondent, Dr. W.
G. Sym, of Edinburgh, in your issue of November 9th, on the subject of counties and shires, says :
" Wherever the County Town is the same as that of the County, the termination shire ' should be added to the name of the County in designating the latter."
In the case of the County from which I write, this rule hardly applies !
A further point—there seems to be some doubt in the minds of your correspondents as to whether " Devon " or " Devon-
shire " is the more correct. If the procedure, adopted by the Army Authorities is any criterion, it would seem that " Devonshire " is-to be preferred—the Devonshire Regiment is always referred to as such, and never, in any circum- stances as the " Devon Regiment."—I am, dear Sir, yours
faithfully, ERNEST H. TAYLOR.
Durham Street, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham.