16 NOVEMBER 1945, Page 16


SIR,—This would seem to be a fitting occasion to hold in memory those many pioneers who sacrified their lives in the cause of X-rays through X-ray burns. My father was one of the first doctors to practice X-rays in England, if not the first, largely at the instigation of the late Sir Robert Jones. He was fortunate, or perhaps cautious, as in the early days he always felt that the rays might have an adverse effect on the operator. I remember Hall Edwards, of Birmingham, staying with us in the early days and many others who eventually gave their lives to the work. Whilst, therefore, it is fitting to pay tribute to the inventor and others concerned with the scientific development of X-rays, one should not forget the pioneer doctors.—I am, Sir, yours truly, J. W. THURSTAN HOLLAND. 27 Sefton Drive, Liverpool, 8.