N agreeable exhibition of aquatint and other colour-plate books
prom the library of Major J. R. Abbey, which is on view at the National Book League, 7 Albemarle Street, W.1, until December 22nd, gives a cool, subdued, harmonious impression of the scenery of he British Isles between 1775 and 1860. There is much to please he eye, whether it is Astley's Amphitheatre, a scene of partridge .hooting, a distant view of Tiverton, one of Fielding's aquatints A the country near Bath, Atherton Street in Liverpool or the Logan Rock. Major Astley's famous collection has never been shown publicly before, and the opportunity of admiring these plates should pot be missed. There are also some delightful coloured lithographs by Parrott and Boys, not in the catalogue, including one by Boys of a