The Castro Canker Accident or Design Cliche-Ridden Bo You Anything
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Ilaya de la Torre Paul Reit!), Russell Braddon A.S. White . Hartwell (Reld.) Lewis Edwards N. J. Lamb Lisa Hughes Mrs. H. Hodgson David Do rung
Sta,—Permit me to offer my sincerest congratula- tions for the judicious article by Mr. Alfred Sherman, The Castro Canker,' which I think is the most accurate and realistic that has been written in the English press these days on the Cuban crisis and its unexpected development. Mr- Sherman faces up clearly to fact when he says that 'the US has so far failed to work out a consistent and active policy towards the Cuban Problem.' And this is a tenacious preoccupation for the popular parties of Latin America which aspire to a truly inter-American solution of the Cuban problem, knowing as we do that 'Castro poses entirely new problems which do not fit into any of the traditional US approaches towards Latin America, from the most liberal to the most interven- tionist., But as Mr. Sherman is correct in claiming that 'Latin American opinion has been turning against Castro slowly but surely for a couple of years in Spite of US mistakes,' it is precisely now that mil- lions of Latin Americans have become disillusioned With Castro and see him as a failure and it is there- fore now possible to take the initiative for an all- round inter-American solution of the Cuban prob- lem. For this one wishes to count on Washington's Cooperation and good will and that it should take, as the basis of this action, not the Monroe doctrine, Which is unilateral and obsolete, but the Treaty of Mutual Aid, of Rio de Janeiro, ratified by the twenty-one parliaments of both Americas and not denounced by Castro, which is without doubt the clearest and most complete juridical basis for rela- tions between the Latin American republics and the US since 1947, when it was signed. On the basis of the Rio Pact, it is possible for the Latin American States (not those which are at the moment under military dictatorships, because they are morally and Politically incapacitated from invoking democratic solutions for the Cuban problem), to whose friendly Intervention Castro could not object, to initiate mediation to bring about some understanding be- tween the US and Cuba. During the years of crisis in the relations between the US and Mexico, in the tensest days of the Mexi- can revolution, Argentine, Brazil and Chile were effective mediators under the well-known sign of 'ABC.' And it is precisely the case of Mexico, which 0.e nso many occasions came near to an 'invasion' (by the US), which proves that the success of friendly mediation between the US and Cuba by such Pro- ceedings is not Utopian. If the restoration of the ABC is not possible because the Argentine is under a military dictatorship which offered military aid to the v US to blockade Cuba (and enure Washington's I our), I think that Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, could co-operate in the above-mentioned aim. And this has already been proposed by the Aprista Party of Peru. I must add that this initiative would include Canada, Jamaica and Trinidad among the American States which could be added to a movement for mediation be- tween the US and Cuba. In spite of the fact that 'Castro has not only passed the point of no return,' I think that it is possible to try to get him `to prove willingness to co-exist with his neighbours.' The proposed basis for the initiative of the Aprista Party to the other democratic parties of the Americas en- visages a referendum of all Cubans—those who live inside and outside Cuba—under the supervision of the Organisation of American States or of the group of States which would be accepted as mediators in order that the people of Cuba may decide its destiny.
In order to formalise these agreements, there has been convoked for the end of this year a conference of the democratic parties of the two Americas-- to which will be invited those of Canada. Jamaica, Trinidad and British Guiana—which will take place in Rio by the invitation of Governor Carlos Laserda. Perhaps this information may serve to complement the excellent article of Mr. Alfred Sherman. HAYA DE LA TORRE (Partido Aprista Peruano) Copenhagen