am organising for the above charity a col- lection which
will take place on Christmas Eve this year. Young people, from eighteen to fifty. will visit public houses all over London and the suburbs and also in Bristol, Blackpool and Southport. They will carry collecting boxes for the Oxford Committee.
In order to cover the 7,000 pubs in the London area we will need 500 collectors. If any of your readers are interested they should write to the address below for further details.
The Oxford Committee aims to help destitute people regardless of race, religion or colour. The purpose of this collection is to make a statement on behalf of the youth of this country, that we do not want war, that we have grown tired of the end- less jockeying for political power by monolithic nations and that we believe that only by world co- operation in the simple human problems of our over- crowded world, can world annihilation be prevented.
Organiser, Christmas Collection for Oxfam 30 St. Mary Abbot's Court, W 14