The Morning Post says that Lord Ellenborough is to be the Governor- General of India ; his appointment having been confirmed at a meeting of the Court of Directors on Wednesday, by an unanimous vote ; and that Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey is Lord Ellenborough's successor as President of the Board of Control, and therefore a member of the Ca- binet.
The Times of today denies that the appointment has been completed-
4‘ We have the best authority for stating, that a morning contemporary has at least been premature in announcing the appointment of Lord Ellenborough as Governor-General of India. The appointment rests with the Court of "Di- rectors; and so far from the nomination of the noble Lord having been " con- firmed by an unanimous vote,' his Lordship has not as yet been nominated at all. His appointment will, as we are informed, be proposed at the Court to be holden on Wednesday next ; and when a vacancy shall have been created by Lis Lordship's acceptance of the important office thus confided to him, Lord Fitzgerald may probably succeed him as President of the Board of Control. We again repeat, that as yet no appointment of a successor to Lord Auckland has been made."
" The appointments of the representatives of her Majesty in foreign states," says the Morning Post, "under the present Administration, are now, we believe, finally arranged. Lord Cowley will be the British Ambassador at Paris ; Sir Robert Gordon at Vienna ; Lord Stewart de Itothesay at St. Petersburg ; and Sir Stratford Canning at Constanti- nople. Mr. Fox will, it is believed, remain for the present her Majesty's .Minister at Washington. No immediate change is in contemplation in the British Embassy at Madrid. Nor is it probable that any important -change will take place in the representation of Great Britain at any of the European Courts, with the exception of those already mentioned And the Court of Naples."
To this information the Times adds—" It is now, we believe, defini- tively arranged that Lord Burghersh will succeed Lord William Rus- sell as Ambassador at the Prussian Court. Mr. Aston will remain as Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid; and Mr. Baliver will, we trust, continue to perform the duties he has so long and so efficiently dis- charged as Secretray to the Embassy in Paris." Tuesday's Gazette announced the appointment of the Honourable Charles Hope to be one of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital. Mr. H. L. Bulwer left town for Paris, to resume his duties, on Tues- day last. It is quite true, however surprising, as reported in the Paris papers, that he was offered the situation of Chief Secretary to Sir Charles Bagot, the new Governor-General of Canada.—Morning Herald. Sir Charles Bagot, the Governor-General of Canada, left town yes- terday morning for Portsmouth, to embark in the Styx steam-frigate for Canada.
There is an on dit that Sir John Owen, M.P. for Pembroke, is ap- pointed a Commissioner of Excise, with a salary of 1,2001. per annum.— Carmarthen Journal.
Lord Stanley has been so unwell as to be unable to attend to his official duties ; but he is getting better.
We are assured that Lord Sydenham's death was occasioned by a combination of gangrene, spasmodic gout, and lockjaw. He died of an agony prolonged for two weeks. One account of his sufferings, which we have seen, is so terrible, that we should not have mentioned them except for the purpose of stating with what noble fortitude they were endured by him. It seems that a perfect self-command never aban- doned him. In the midst of torments that those around him shuddered to behold, his attention to business was collected and regular, and he left nothing undone belonging to that first session of the first Parlia- ment of United Canada which closed precisely along with his life. He was fully aware of his own state ; and he made his will, and took leave of his suite and servants, with cheerful composure. He knew how en- tirely his constitution was broken ; and it looks as if he had courted death there, then, and so, as the most desirable of possible events. And indeed, when we compare the circumstances attending Lord Syden- ham's death with the general expression of contempt which pursued Mr. Poulett Thomson on his departure for Canada, it will appear that he might well have even gloried in dying under these circumstances. The last act of his life was to close his arduous mission, of which all the world had bespoken the failure, with almost complete success. As only good is spoken of the dead, so, if there were errors in Lord Sydenham's administration of Canadian affairs, these will be scarcely mentioned, while all the good that he accomplished will be remembered with praise. Of him it will be said that he found Canada divided, weak, and distracted, and that he left one powerful and peaceful colony. He effected the Union, and he was the first Governor of Canada that ruled in harmony with the Representatives of the People : this saying -will be his monument, add he thought so when be desired that his grave should be on the banks of the St. Lawrence.—Colonial Gazette. Lord Stradbroke having contradicted Mr. Milner Gibson's account of the constructive insult offered to the Queen's name at the Saannindham agricultural dinner, Mr. Gibson wrote to him, asking whether it was "intended to impugn my personal veracity, or to insinuate that I have stated what I knew to be untrue." Lord Stradbroke in reply says- " the assertion was the very reverse of the fact," but adds, " I did not mean to be personally offensive to you." The disclaimer did not quite satisfy Mr. Gibson, and he wrote to a friend for advice : that friend,. Mr. Hovenden, in a letter dated from the Reform Club, reminded Mr. Gibscin, that Lord Stradbroke had disclaimed personal offence, and then. Mr. Hovendon remarked- " I think, therefore, you should not press the matter further ; and though Lord Stradbroke's tone might in some respects have been more courteous, I do- not think that a public man, who, in the exercise of what he believes to be his duty, makes strong statements, should be too sensitive as to the manner in which a difference of opinion is conveyed."
The insurrection in Spain has spread ; but not to the extent which at one time appeared likely. During the 6th and 7th instant rumours-
came into Madrid of what was passing in the North. The Go'vernment took immediate precautions to prevent a surprise of the capital : the gates were doubly guarded, the posts strengthened, reinforcements demanded, and the regiments of the Princess and of Majorca arrived. Several Colo- nels whose fidelity was suspected were dismissed—among others, Colonel- Perez, and fifty officers of the Guards ; and the garrison of the capital was thus doubled by the recal of the troops around. Financial mea- sures were also taken : the stamp-duty was given to M. Safont for 17,000,000 of reals, and the salt duty to M. Sideman for 50,000,000. On• the night of the 7th, the drums suddenly beat, and firing was heard. Don Diego Leon, Aspiroz, and other Christinos, with some of the dis- missed officers and a body of men, endeavoured to storm the Palace and to seize the Queen. The Palace troops stood firm ; they were joined by a reinforcement from the garrison ; Espartero commanded in person ; and after about an hour's hard fighting, the assailants were repulsed. Eighty persons were seized, and eight were summarily shot. The only person of note who was taken was Brigadier Norza Gneray. At nine o'clock the next morning the troops of the garrison and the National' Guard defiled before the Queen, who was standing at a balcony of the Palace, with her sister the Regent, and the members of the Govern- ment ; and the soldiery saluted the Queen with enthusiastic villas. At ten o'clock Madrid had resumed its usual aspect, and tranquillity was completely restored. Espartero had issued a proclamation declaring that Government had taken steps to suppress the insurrection, and that the laws would be energetically enforced.
In the mean time, O'Donnell keeps possession of the citadel of Pam- peluna, and has been reinforced by some troops, and more Carlist offi- cers. He had issued two proclamations, one to the army and another- to the inhabitants of Navarre. In those he accuses Espartero of having traitorously seized the Regency, and of only watching an opportunity to murder the little Queen and her sister, and instal himself in their place; and the present Government of having taken their lands from the clergy, their fueros from the Biscayans, and of having starved the army. He carefully avoids, in both proclamations, to profess his attachment for any constitution: but still he promises the pnr- chasers of ecclesiastical property, that although it may be taken from. them, a compromise shall be made with the Pope so as to indemnify them. The proclamations are signed " The Lieutenant-General Vice- roy and Captain-General ad interim of Navarre and the Basque Pro- vinces, Leopold O'Donnell." His object is evidently to unite Carlists and moderate Liberals in a crusade against Espartero and the Liberals. On the 5th, he opened the fire of the citadel on the town, because, says the Paris Moniteur, Ribeiro had attacked Ortigosa, an adherent of O'Donnell, in a resnitless engagement outside the town. O'Donnell declared that he would repeat the cannonade every time his party was attacked. Ribeiro had collected a force of 5,000 men. He had ordered out of the place all old men upwards of sixty years of age, women, and children under fourteen; retaining only such as were capable of bearing arms. Ortigosa had intrenched himself in a neighbouring village, Sisur, with five hundred men. This Ortigosa was formerly a Brigadier in the army of Carlos,
General Meals, who marched from Toloso on the 3d to reduce the citadel of Pampeluna, fell back upon the former town, iu consequence of the rising of Vittoria. General Piqueiro, who commanded for Espartero, had betrayed his trust. The following proclamation was. issued by Montes de Oca-
" Don Manuel de Oca, ex-Minister of Marine (under the Presidency of Perez de Castro), member of the Provisional Government of Spain during the absence of the Queen-Regent, Maria Christina of Bourbon. " The Government which is to rule Spain during the absence of the ligiti- mate Queen-Regent, being solemnly proclaimed in Navarre and the Basque Provinces, as it will in a few days be proclaimed throughout the kingdom, I ordain- " 1st. Every individual who shall combat with arms in his hands the autho- rity of the said Provisional Government, who may conspire or rebel against it,. or who wiU not recognize and submit to it in twelve hours after the receipt of the present decree, or who shall oppose in any way the acts of the troops and population faithful to the cause of the Queen, is declared a traitor, and re- mains liable to the penalties established by the laws and military ordonnances. " 2d. The individuals who, after the term fixed, shall continue to obey the orders and dispositions of the Revolutionary Government of Madrid, or of the authorities depending on it, shall incur the same penalties. " 3d. In the name of the Queen-Regent, all classes, civilian and military, are relieved from any duties contrary to the order here set forth. " Vittoria, October 4. MANUEL MONTES DE 00A."
He addressed another proclamation to the soldiers, and a third to the inhabitants of Navarre and the Basque Provinces. The last contains the following passage-
" Noble and valiant inhabitants of the Basque Provinces and of Navarre !— I promise you, in the name of this august Princess, the preservation of your fueros in all their integrity. You have conquered them with the blood of your veins, by the sweat of your brow, and by the loyalty of your hearts. The commerce of the invincible Bilbao will again flourish under the shelter of protecting laws. The industry. of all the country will be admitted to the benefits of national industry ; to such a manner, nevertheless, that the favour granted to your labour will not become a means of fraud and harm to the rest of the Spaniards.
" Basques and Navarreee I—You will have neither now nor later any other modification and regulation in your secular fueros than those which you your- selves will establish by means of the only exclusive and legitimate representa- tion of the country, that is, by your Juntas and your Cortes."
The well-known Mnnagorri has again raised the banner of " Paz y faeros," He left Tolosa at the beginning of last week, and proceeded to Verastegui, about two leagues distant, where he has an iron-foundry. He harangued his workmen, and succeeded in persuading them to fly to the mountains. He established his strongholds, and regularly un- furled the banner of revolt against the present Government. It is said that his force as yet only amounts to about twenty-five men. He took prisoners and disarmed fifteen Caribineros or Customhouse-officers; but it would appear, however, that they were nothing loth.
There is some doubt as to the state of Bilbao, whether or not it may be said to have joined the revolution. It appears certain that the Na- tional Guard refused to do so, and that there was a general feeling in favour of the Government in the town and its vicinity ; in spite of strong indignation at the slights put upon a deputation who went to Madrid to demand the maintenance of the fueros. Opinion at St. Sebastian was divided. Saragossa has rejected the invitation to aid Christina ; and General Borso di Carminati, who was at Saragossa awaiting reinforce- ments to join O'Donnell's party at Pampeluua, was suddenly attacked by the Esparteroists, on the 4th instant, and massacred. It is said that bands of refugee Carlists were endeavouring to penetrate into the Peninsula at all points ; and the French authorities are accused of in- terposing no difficulty to the communication between the insurgents and their friends in France.
A private letter from Paris, says the Times, states that the accouelie- meat of the ex-Queen Regent of Spain took place in that city about a fortnight since. Her Majesty and her infant (a boy) were doing well, under the care of her former professional attendants, Doctors Castello senior and junior, who had been specially summoned to Paris for the occasion.
It was reported that three deputations from the provinces of Navarre, Alava, and Biscay, had waited upon Queen Christina, in Paris, and invited her to repair forthwith to the Northern provinces. The Queen, it was thought, would shortly remove to Pau.
The Times relates a strange occurrence at the Foreign Office in Paris- " A violent scene occurred on Thursday at the Foreign, Office between M. Olozaga, the Spanish Ambassador, and M. Guizot; the former having attri- buted the movement at Pampeluna to French influence. M. Olozaga com- plained in severe language of French duplicity ; and added, that M. Salvandy might possibly find a bad reception at Madrid. M. Guizot protested that the Government were extremely well disposed towards Espartero, bat at the same time hinted that the ex-Queen Regent's position deserved some sympathy. M. Olozaga quitted the hotel in a violent rage." On Tuesday, a Council of Ministers was held, and the King presided. It was resolved to send M. Salvandy to Madrid, with what special in- structions is not stated. And it is said to have been determined that Christina's Council, Zea Bermudez, Toreno, and Martinez de la Rosa, should leave Paris.
" A journal," says the Moniteur, " inquires if it is true that recruits have been inlisted for Spain. We again declare this assertion to be entirely false. No inlistments of the kind have taken place anywhere."
The Paris Temps of Wednesday says, that Quenisset's information has been fully corroborated, and that ten persons now in custody must be convicted. The correspondent of the Times gives a new history of the assassin, and accounts for his betraying his accomplices-
" Quenisset belongs to the political sect embodied in the secret society called the ' Travailleurs Egalitaires,' the realization of whose doctrines would bring about an equalization of profits between the capitalist and the operative. He had not long been affiliated to that association when he had occasion to apply to a municipal authority (answering to our English registrars) to obtain a cer- tificate respecting the birth of an illegitimate child, of which he is said to be doatingly fond, and for whose legitimation he thus wanted some official papers of different sorts. Upon the Mayor of the Commune referred to either delay- ing nr refusing to grant the papers necessary to his views, this man became ac- tually frenzied, and vented his indignation against and vowed vengeance upon a Government the agents of which were capable of such monstrous denials of justice. It was then that his more villanous associates turned to their wicked account his fury and indignation, and persuaded him that, without being actu- ally a murderer, he might place himself at their head as sentinelle aoancee, and ire upon the French Princes; assuring Lim, that as soon as he had thus given the signal a regular fight would instantly be begun by them, aided by five hun- dred devoted workmen, who, rushing upon the fatigued soldiers commanded by the Duke d'Aumale, and disarming them, would instantly proceed to accom- plish a revolution. The fact is, that on his firing he had been heard to exclaim aloud, to call his real or supposed comrades to his aid ; but on finding that they bad all deserted him, and had rapidly fled, leaving him in the lurch, his indignation is said to have been roused against them. Hence his avowals and ample revelations respecting the machinations employed to seduce him, and his anxious wish to bring his accomplices to condign punishment."
The St. Etienne papers say that some persons have been arrested in that town on charges of being affiliated to secret political societies at Lyons. The Courrier de Lyons avers that documents of some import- ance have been seized at the place of meeting of the individuals belong- log to the secret society called the Charbonnerie Reformee; and among them lists of members designated by names such as Alibaud IL, Robes- pierre II., Marat, Hebert, &c.
The Sickle gives an explanation of the schism in the Cabinet, which seems-almost too minute to be strictly authentic ; but it appears to be generally received without question-
" The examination in the Council of Ministers of the Budget of the Navy, to see whether it can be reduced, has led to a thorough schism in the Council. On one side are Messrs. Guizot, Duchatel, and Martin ; on the other are Marshal Soult, Admiral Duperre, M. Teste, and M. Cunin Gridaine. The two parties stand aloof alike from M. Humann, who, they say, has spoiled every thing by the unskilfulness of his financial combinations. The proposition of relieving the Budget of the Navy, which is of 125,000,000 francs, to the extent of 65,000,000f., was made by M. Gnizot. The Minister of Finances having stated that, in order to establish an equilibrium between the receipts and the expendi- ture in 1843, a reduction of 90,000,000f. must be made in the army and navy, Marshal Soult declared that he could not consent to retrench more than 25,000,000E on the Budget of his department. 111. Guizot then observed, that England was governed by a Ministry friendly to France; that the Convention of July 13th removed all danger of a conflict in the Mediterranean ; and that the fleet could be of no use in maintaining order in the interior. He concluded,
therefore, by proposing that the reductions should fall prinejaslis upon the navy. Admiral Duperre threatened to withdraw if this proposition should be acted upon ; and in this state the question remained for some days. In the in-
terval previous to the next Council, a resolution was adopted to reduce the nasal.Budget to the extent of only 36,000,000f.; but the Court being informed of the sensation produced by this proposed reduction, which had been communicated by the Minister of Marine to the heads of the service in order that he might concert with them the mode of reduction, and it being found impossible to im- por silence upon the remonstrances of the navy and fly in the face of public opinion, while at the same time it was desirable not to have the air of giving way to the Opposition, the Dibals was desired to commence a discussion with. the English press on the question of disarming the fleet, and the Paris cor- respondents of the London journals were at the same time invited to say that the King was personally opposed to disarmament."
The following letter from M. Guizot to M. Tesineres, Deputy of the Charente, is published in a provincial journal-
- Paris, 20th September.- " Monsieur and dear Colleague—No, certainly I will not forget the interests of your part of the country ; and the noise which the journals make respecting the commercial negotiations with Belgium ought to convince you of this. As often as an opportunity offers to open new markets to our wines and agricul- tural products, we will seize it with avidity, taking care to protect at the same time those interests which require it at home. Our commercial negotiations with England were suspended, as you know, by the political events of last year, and then by the fall of the Whig Ministry. The convention of the 131k July has put an end to all misunderstanding. Sir Robert Peel's Cabinet is formed. It is probable that the commercial negotiation will soon be resumed.. and you may rest assured that I will apply to it all the zeal and care that I I can command. I did not reply to your letter, with that of Messrs.11ennessy and Martell, having at the time nothing to say. But our situation has since improved, and I hope to attain a good result. " Receive, &c. Gorzor."- Private letters state that the harvest in France has not proved as good as it promised a month since. The Lyons papers say that the vintage is the worst that has occurred for twenty years.
The Prussian State Gazette of the 7th instant contains the officia announcement that the King, who returned to Berlin on the preceding day, has allowed Baron von Werther to resign his portfolio as Minister for Foreign Affairs, and has intrusted the portfolio to Count von Malt- zan, Prussian Ambassador at the Court of Vienna. Baron von Werther is to retain the direction of the affairs of the principality of Neufchatel and Valangin, and is at the same time raised to the dignity of High Marshal.
It was said at Berlin on Friday, that a note, in very energetic terms,- had been addressed by the English and Prussian Governments to the Hanoverian Cabinet, respecting the abolition of the Stade toll, showing that it rests on no legal title.
An Imperial ukase was published by the Russian Government in 1834, directing that Russian suljects residing abroad should return home, nobles within five and burghers within three years. Hitherto, this law had not been applied to Russian ladies possessed of property in Russia, but married to foreigners previously to the publication of the ukase. An instruction has now, however, issued from the Ministerial Committee, deciding that the ukase applies likewise to Russian subjects married to foreigners, but declaring that, in such cases, the period within which they are bound to return to Russia shall be held to com- mence from the day of the publication of the new instruction.
A Protestant Bishop is about to be consecrated for Jerusalem. Ne- gotiations have been on foot on the subject for some time with the Prus- sian Government, and his Majesty the King has come forward in munificent way to cooperate with British Christians who feel an inte- rest in the progress of Christianity among the ancient people of God. The person looked to to undertake the duties of the sacred office was Dr. M`Caui, the well-known Hebrew scholar, to whom it was offered; but, with a self-denial which does honour to him as a man and Christian minister, having long advocated the national claims of the Jews to the consideration of the Church, he declined it, on the plea that a Jew should fill the episcopate. It was then offered, accepted, and is to be conferred on the Reverend Mr. Alexander, the Hebrew Professor of King's College ; who will be consecrated forthwith by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and proceed to his new and interesting see next month.— Times.
Recent letters from Constantinople affirm that the fortifications of St. Jean d' Acre are being repaired by British engineers, and that the Bay of Djouni is garrisoned by British troops.
The Morning Post gives some additional intelligence from China, pur- porting to be written by its Bombay correspondent after the regular mail was made up. It comes down to the 29th of June. At that date the "ships of war" were very sickly ; but the health of both soldier& and sailors was improving. The Hong merchants refused to purchase imports, or to secure the ship Simon Taylor, which bad arrived at Wham- poa. The fort of Wangtung had again been garrisoned by the Chinese, and several Macao lighters had been fired at in going up the river. A. letter from Macao says—" We are teaching the Chinese the art of war : their improvement in gunnery was matter of astonishment to all." It is assumed that this communication was forgotten in the parcel sent from Marseilles. What has happened before in respect to additional news from Marseilles might make people suspicious ; but the Post gives the assurance that the intelligence is genuine, being the result of special arrangements.
The Globe quotes a letter from an officer who served in the engage- ment at Canton : he says, that when General Gough received Captain Elliot's letter requesting him to suspend hostilities, he threw it upon the ground and stamped upon it with rage. The same writer describes the Chinese as using " a large sort of matchlock, on three legs, which carries three times as far as our muskets, so that they keep out of our reach, and yet pepper away upon us." He adds—" We none of us thought of making our wills before going into action, as we had no idea it would have been such sharp work, but now some of us have thought proper_ to do it, as we expect to be at it again in about a fortnight (at Amoy.)".
The Pope has lately been making a progress through his dominions. At Loretto he was received with great rejoicings ; and a magnificent fête, which lasted three days, was given in his honour at Ancona.
gt, The latest datelif the South Australia papers is May 22d. The news of Goyernor -Gas:lees recall in an authentic shape, and of the appoint- \atient of-Captain Grey, reached Adelaide on the 2d April. On the 11th May arrived Captain Grey himself, in the Lord Glenelg. Mrs. Grey had been delivered of a son on the voyage. The official despatches announcing Colonel Gawler's recal and his successor's appointment not having arrived, Governor Grey was at first a guest in the house of Governor Gawler. The most friendly feeling was said to subsist be- tween the two Governors. Captain Grey, however, was duly installed in office on the 15th. The greatest excitement was created in Adelaide by the receipt of the complete reversal of Colonel Gawler's policy and prepared to meet the difficulties arising from the sudden stoppage of the unauthorized Government expenditure. At a meeting of the Adelaide Town-Council, the Town Surveyor had read the result of the survey for the purpose of assessment— The whole number of houses in Adelaide was 1,990; whereof 1,800 were in South Adelaide, and 190 in North Adelaide. The village of Bindmarsh con- tains 110 houses; Bowden, 67; Thebarton, 90; and Walkerville, 55. In North Adelaide, there are 261 acres not yet built upon : in South Adelaide, 505 not built on. The annual value of the houses in North Adelaide be averaged at 151. a year ; in South Adelaide, 30/. ; in Walkerville, 15/. ; and in the other villages, 12/. The acres not built on in North Adelaide he valued at 151.; in the Northern part of South Adelaide, at 45/. ; and in the Southern part at 301. The unoccupied land in the villages and the village of Goodwood, the houses of which he had not got, he estimated altogether at 1,000/. a year. There were likewise 25 sections of country land, and several green slips. The annual value of all the property within the bounds of the Corporation he set down at 82,9151—an annual rate on which, of 6d. per pound, would produce all the Cor- poration were authorized to spend in a year, namely, 2,000/.
It was then suggested, that a rate of 3d. per pound should be declared for the half-year ending the 1st June ; but the consideration of the sub- ject was ultimately deferred till the next meeting.
The Australian papers announce an interesting fact—the intro- duction of gas-light at Sydney. The Queen's birthday was chosen as the day for the occasion—the same day that the British troops concen- trated on Canton ; and certainly it never was celebrated with a more interesting illumination. The Sydney folks boast that they are first to introduce gas into Asia or into the Southern hemisphere at large. A correspondent draws attention to the characteristic enterprise of " the Anglo-Saxon race," in having carried one of the most brilliant inven- tions of modern times into one of the newest and remotest settlements of the globe, while the long-established cities of South America and India are still unenlightened by it.—Colonial Gazette. .Letters have been received in London from Cape Coast Castle, dated the 28th July, reporting the steam-vessels composing the Niger Expe- dition to have arrived there from Sierra Leone ; the Soudan on the 15th,
the Albert on the 19th, and the Wilberforce on the 24th of that month. Every thing relating to the expedition is represented as being in a flou- rishing condition. From information gained on the coast from persons who had been up the Niger with Lander, it was found that large vessels would be unable to proceed above Ibre at an earlier period than the month of August.