A Nos gratifying evidence of the success that has attended the Normal School of Vocal Music, conducted on the plan of M. WILHELM by Mr. &me Huhhhu, at Exeter Hall, was afforded on Thursday evening ; when the first four classes of schoolmasters and mistresses, to the num- ber of three hundred and sixty, assembled for the purpose of presenting their teacher with a testimonial of their esteem and gratitude. Lord WHARNCLIFFE, as President of the Council, took the chair ; and the plat- form was crowded by visiters, including several distinguished persons ; among whom was Mr. MOSCHELES, who evinced a lively interest in the proceedings. Advantage was taken of the occasion by the pupils to show the progress made in the six months during which they had been under Mr. Iluhr....fir's tuition : the result was highly satisfactory, giving convincing proof of the efficacy of the system, in the precision and steadiness with which the lessons were performed : these con- . sisted of exercises on the ascending and descending scales, and simple pieces of choral harmony, sung without any accompaniment, tinder the direction of one of the pupils. The effect of the body of voices was beautiful and impressive the singing was remarkable not only for correctness of time and tune, but for a consentaneous observ- ance of the directions of their leader by the choristers, and the nicety with which the pianos and fortes were marked.
After this exhibition of their capabilities, the spokesman of the classes addressed the meeting with an earnestness of manner that made amends for his want of fluency,—eulogizing the excellence of the instruction, and the ability and kindness of their instructor, in the warmest terms : he dwelt with particular emphasis on the amiable manner in which their teacher had discharged his office. The fervour with which the classes responded to this allusion, and the cordial and animated applause with which Mr. HIILLAH was greeted, showed that he had won the hearts of his pupils. Lord WHARNCLIFFE presented the plate, a superb silver salver, with a suitable inscription, to Mr. Human • who returned thanks in an address characterized by good sense and good feeling. He then, at the call of the pupils, conducted two or three more difficult pieces of music, which were performed with equal accuracy and even greater spirit ; and concluded with putting his pupils to the test of singing at sight, which they did with unfaltering correctness.
Lord WHARNCLIFFE, in the course of the evening, signified his entire approval of the method of teaching, and his conviction of the import- ance of the study of vocal music as a branch of national education ; and stated, that though the Committee of Council did not feel authorized in granting pecuniary aid at present, the subject would receive atten- lion. At the conclusion of the proceedings, Dr. KAY announced the intention of the whole of Mr. Huhr.s.11's pupils to give a more public demonstration on a grand scale in the great hall ; when an appeal would be made to the friends of education for subscriptions towards forming classes for the instruction of working-men in the Metropolis.