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Tint event of the week has been a slight indisposition which the Queen has suffered ; an indisposition, it is intimated, incidental to her present condition, and not affecting her general health. Her Majesty was first conscious of the ailment on Saturday evening ; and in the night Dr. Locock and Sir James Clarke were summoned. Sir James returned to town on Sunday afternoon ; on Monday he relieved Dr. Locock ; on Tuesday he left the Castle quite unguarded by doctors ; and by Thurs- day the Queen was pronounced to be looking remarkably well. The indisposition did not interrupt the out-door exercise which the Queen has taken daily, mostly in walking with Prince Albert. The only ex- ception was on Tuesday, when the bad weather kept the Royal couple within-doors.
It is said that the Queen has expressed a wish to let Windsor be the scene of her confinement ; but many inconveniences forbid it. Her Majesty, however, has obtained her physicians' permission to remain at the Castle till Wednesday ; though, indeed, every day next week is mentioned as the one on which the Court will probably depart for Buckingham Palace.
On Saturday, the Queen gave an audience to the Judge-Advocate- General.
Prince Albert has sported occasionally with his beagles ; on Monday he hunted in the Great Park with the Duke of Wellington ; and on Thursday with the Duke of Buceleuch.
The Dutchess of Kent is still staying at the Castle. Other visiters have been the Dutchess of Buccleuch and Colonel Dawson Damen The Duke of Wellington left the Castle on Thursday, for Walmer Castle.
The Duke, the Dutchess, and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge, arrived in town on Monday, from Kew. The Duke paid a visit to the Dutehess of Gloucester. In the evening, the Duke and Dutchess and Princess Augusta were present at Covent Garden Theatre ; and the Royal party returned to Kew the same night. The Dutchess of Gloucester left Gloucester House on Tuesday, to visit the Earl and Countess of Mayo, at Bognor.
Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal went from Marlborough House on Sunday, to visit the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge.