16 OCTOBER 1841, Page 7


Tuesday's Gazette announced that the Queen has appointed the Right Honourable David Boyle to be Lord Justice-General and Presi- dent of the Court of Session in Scotland.

The Lord-Advocate was reported to have delivered a speech at the Bateshire election, which pledged the Government to bring forward " such a measure as would insure a satisfactory, full, and final settle- ment" of the Church question. Sir William Rae, however, has written to the Edinburgh Advertiser to state that the report which went the round of the papers was calculated to produce an inaccurate impression of what he said ; " a circumstance," he adds, " the less to be wondered at, as there were no reporters in attendance on that occasion ; and the article, which was never communicated to me, must consequently have been the fruit of subsequent recollection on the part of some individual present." What really occurred, Sir William says, was this- " After alluding to the unhandsome treatment which I had received from some of the Nonintrusion party in the Church on occasion of my last elec- tion, and adverting to the !difficulties with which the present Government was surrounded, and the apparent disposition on the part of the country to allow- Ministers sufficient time for the consideration of measures proper to be adopted in such an exigency, I said that I trusted that something of the same spirit would influence my countrymen, and the electors of Bute in particular, in re- gard to the Church question, in which they took so deep an interest. That it ought to be recollected, that however much the great importance of that ques- tion might be felt, it merely affected a portion of the United Kingdom, and only a part, though a very large one, of the inhabitants of that 'portion. That it had, therefore, no claim of preference over those more extensive measures which concerned the whole empire, embracing Scotland as a part. Again, that the difficulties attending the Church question were very great, and required the most mature consideration. That such were the difficulties, that no one had ventured to suggest a perfect remedy for them. Some, indeed, were willing to take the Duke of Argyll's bill as an instalment; but no Government ought, and I was persuaded the present would never countenance a measure of that description, or one which should not, if possible, operate a complete remedy, so as the peace of the Church might not again be disturbed. That all that I could assure them of was, that the question would be fully, deliberately, and impartially, considered ; and that I did this the more confidently, as I had as- certained from one of her Majesty's Government that it would meet with such consideration. That with this they ought, in my opinion, to rest satisfied, and patiently to allow the time requisite for that consideration. I added, that no efforts on my part ever had, or would on this occasion, be awanting to promote what should appear to me to be the real interests of the Church of Scotland." Some of the Scotch papers mention a report that Sir George Sinclair is engaged in the preparation of such a measure as that indicated by Sir William.

Mr. Feargus O'Connor was feted by the Universal Suffrage Associa- tion of Glasgow, on Monday last. A considerable body of Chartists went down the Clyde in the morning, to join the Greenock Chartists in escorting Mr. O'Connor up the river, in the steamer Tar. The party landed at the Broomielaw, between twelve and one o'clock : Mr. O'Con- nor was put into a carriage drawn by six grays, and a procession was formed with several bands of music, and many banners. One of the latter was inscribed—" The Star [Mr. O'Connor's paper] shall be our guide "; another—" To be free, we have just to will it"; a third- " The Charter is our birthright, and we shall have it." One man car- ried a tricoloured flag, another a black one with a battle-axe on the top of the staff. The procession reached the Green between one and two o'clock ; and there it was received by Mr. Ross, Mr. Moir, and other leading Chartists of the place, with a motley crowd. A hustings had been erected, and there was some speechmaking. A petition was moved, and carried, " to the House falsely called the House of Com- mons, in favour of the Charter." An address was next read from the Lanarkshire Chartists, to " the unchanged, the unchangeable, the un- purchased, the unpurchaseable" O'Connor ; and another from the Irish Chartists. Mr. O'Connor replied, with less than his usual voice and energy.

The Paisley Relief Committee have been making arrangements for extending the subscription to the fund, which is exhausted, while the treasurer is in debt, and the numbers of the unemployed operatives are daily and rapidly on the increase ; and for sending a deputation to London to solicit the aid of Government, to endeavour to obtain part of the Relief-fund raised in 1826, and to procure other general assist= ance in the Metropolis.

The Morning Chronicle of yesterday announces more failures in Glasgow- " We regret to learn by letters from Glasgow that there have been within a short period three commercial failures in that city. The first, on Saturday week, was a commission-house connected with North America : liabilities estimated at 40,0001. The cause assigned was the want of remittances by the Britannia. A considerable portion of this sum is due to that devoted town Paisley. The second was a calico-printing concern, on Saturday last, not is extensive business. The third and most important took place on Monday last : it was in the shipping and commission business, and the liabilities are esti- mated at from 40,0001. to 60,0001. The failure was unexpected, and the cause assigned is over-investment in West India produce. A correspondent in- forms us that 'these failures had thrown an additional gloom over this com- mercial city ; and as there is no sign of improvement, the future prospect, particularly that for the next two months, is any thing but cheering."

The weather has been most unfavourable for gathering in the crops all over Scotland, for the last ten days ; and great part of the grain is in peril of being much injured by the continued rains and damp weather- -Morning Post.

There was some very rough weather in Scotland last week, and a good deal of damage was done to the coasting-craft. At Granton, on Tuesday week, the scene was terrific : two boats were suuk ; but more permanent damage was done— "The fury of the gale was so great, that on Tuesday night the waves dashed with the utmost violence over the tops of the warehouses at Granton Pier; and such was their force that thirteen feet or more of the outer portion of the pier was carried away ; and the strong iron and wooden framework on the eastern side, on which the diving-bell rested, was demolished, and the bell, weighing five tons, was precipitated to the bottom, where it now lies at a depth of sixteen feet at low-water. Along with this framework several large cranes were also washed away ; the strong wooden beams of which were found on Wednesday morning at a distance from the pier, firmly embedded in the sand, and covered by heaps of sea-weed which had been cast ashore. The iron rail- way used for conveying stones to the end of the pier was in many places riven to pieces."

The Edinburgh Advertiser relates an anecdote of noble intrepidity at Borrowstonness, on the same day-

" About a quarter before nine o clock a.m., a sloop, supposed to be from Alloa or Clackmannan, and laden with coal, upset, and instantly went down, a little east of this place ; the wind at the time blowing a gale from the east.. A boat which went from this could see nothing of the crew, but saw that the sloop's boat had gone down with her. A brewer's half-hogshead came ashore from her, marked 2,472, Nelson, Westbarns. Part of the topmast was seen above water after she went down. The boat that went out from this was manned by James Bettan, pilot, alone, all others refusing to accompany him, as the gale continued; but he persevered, and within half an hour after the acci- dent happened, he was at the wreck, but the crew had gone down with the vessel. Much praise is due to Bettan, who has a family looking up to him fur -their daily bread."

An old woman who was standing on the rail of the Dundee Railway, on Monday, was knocked down before an approaching train could be stopped, and was killed on the spot.

The Glasgow Argus of Thursday contains an account of the destruc- tion of a part of the Lancefield cotton spinning-works, near Glasgow, on Wednesday night. The works belong to Messrs. William and Alexander Graham and Company, and are the most extensive of the land in Scotland . they comprised four distinct factories, and 1,100 persons were employed within the walls. The Fre originated in the picking-room, it is supposed from a spark struck out of the iron ma- chinery falling on some cotton. Instant attempt% were made to subdue it, but the flames defied the small means at hand; the South Mill was destroyed, and the Front Mill much injured. The damage is estimated at 30,000/. ; and three or four hundred people will be thrown out of employment, with no prospect of obtaining it elsewhere during the winter.