16 OCTOBER 1858, Page 10



Tip to yesterday the English Funds had again been steadily advancing, only slightly checked by operations in connexion with the settlement in Console on Wednesday, with a moderate amount of business doing. Some

disappointment was yesterday experienced upon its being made known that no alteration had been decided upon by the Bank Directors ia existing rate of discount ; the vast accumulation of specie, and the proem, extraordinary state of ease in the Money Market, at was expected would have led to a reduction to 21 per cent ;. Consols, in mud. pation, had improved h per cent in the morning, but upon the breaking up of the court some considerable sales were pressed upon the market, and a reaction of more than I per cent occurred, this depression was assisted by rumours of unfavourable news from India, and an mereio in the demand for money for the Continent. This morning the market opened firm again, and Consols were dealt in at 94. At the present moment there would seem to be nothing calculated in any way to affect Enoch Securities adversely ; at the close, however, the same firmness is not as. parent, the closing quotation in Consols being 94 98g. The Govenunest Broker has made one or two important purchases during the week. Bonk Stock marks 2211 220. In the Foreign Market business has been somewhat animated, the chief transactions occurring in Turkish Scrip ; and some serious fluctuations ha, taken place particularly in the second issue, which has reached 21 prem. It is estimated that the difference in price between the first and second, attributable to the speculative part of the public conceiving that the second is equally as good for speculation, besides being cheaper to purchase than the first issue. The No. 1 Scrip after remaining for some time at about I prem. has risen to It prem. In other stocks an average business has been passing, but prices do not show any material alteration from last week. Venezuela, 40 41; Mexican, 24 and 24 ex div. ; pererke, 8,9i 90%; Peruvian Three per Cent, 691 704; Turkish Six per Cent, ssi cx div. ; Ditto, Four per Cent, 106 10k; Ditto, Scrip No. 1, 11', prom.; Ditto, No. 2, 2 2.1 prem.; Buenos A.yres, 77 79_; Victor Emmanuel has advanced again and closes 97 98 ; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 1858, 97 97k; 'Spanish Three per Cent, 46i 47; Ditto, Deferred, eot 30the Railway Share Market has exhibited more than usual activity throughout the week. In sympathy with the firm tone of the Consol Mar- ket, prices have in nearly all cases advanced. The fortnightly sows), took place yesterday, and today, business has naturally been mow; in that direction. Contangos and " carrying-over " rates have been rather heavy' the principal lines leave off as follows : Midland, 94 • Great Western, 56k 56k; 'London and North-Western, 92 94; Laneashir and Yorkshire, 94 f ; Berwick, 94i 94; Caledonian, 44 43g ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 14 15; London. and Brighton, 111112; Sheffield, 36 36%.

The French Share Market has been steady ; Luxembourg shares are at 8f ; Lombardo-Venetian have varied during the week, but leaye off 14 13.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 33, for the week ending on Wednesday the 13th day of Oct. 1658.


Notes issued 433,338,660 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 3,456,100 Gold Coin and Bullion 18,863,860 Silver Bullion

£33,375,310 £3,3338,860

BANKING DEP 222222 s.

Proprietors' Capital 1114,653,000 Government Securities finds- Rest 3,091,512 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £10,809,467 Public Deposits. 5,356,897 Other Securities 14,817,709

Other Deposits 14,569,366 Notes II H7,740 Seven Days and other Bills .. 827,272 Gold and Sliver Coin 633,111

438,338,880 £38,399,047 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acci