16 OCTOBER 1953, Page 14

Ceiters to the Editor

FOR AN ANGLO-GERMAN ALLIANCE SIR,—It is now two years since plans were made for setting up the European Defence Community, and it appeared then that realisa- tion of the plan required only the time needed for ratification by the parliaments of the six countries concerned. Today, except in the case of Western Germany, ratification seems to be no nearer, and it appears doubtful that France will ever ratify at all.

The USSR is, of course, fundamentally opposed to West German rearmament in .any shape or form, and to delay is to play right into its hands. Delay is also dangerous as far as Western Germany is concerned, because public opinion. there is not entirely at one, though at present predominantly in favour of co-operation with the west. The main force behind this enlightened policy is Dr. Adenauer himself, supported by the Christian Demo- cratic Union and by all the more intelligent Germans. If the Germans were left to them- selves, however, it must be expected that nationalist influences will, in the course of time, gradually gain ground. In fact, the movement for a greater Germany, which has been the driving force behind German politics for the last hundred years, will be almost certain to re-emerge.

A Western Germany participating in neither EDC nor NATO would presumably be neutral, and may be expected to evolve along the following lines. The nationalist spirit would develop with the gradual coming into being of 'a government with more power at the centre, probably approximating eventually to a government of national socialist type. This trend would be accompanied by an in- creasing German. influence in the Council of Europe (or whatever takes its place), backed by strong economic expansion. Allied re- straint would be gradually cast off in an atmosphere of pronounced German economic development, and there would probably be tendencies towards an understanding with Russia which would be in keeping with Ger- many's past. This points towards the com- position of Hitler's Europe in 1940, and towards an inevitable renewal of that anta- gonism and rivalry between Great Britain and Germany which led to both world wars.

The alternative to the formation of the EDC is the incorporation of Western Germany with NATO. Could not a position of real strength be taken up through the formation of a defen- sive alliance (if necessary within the frame- work of NATO to start with) between GMat Britain and the Commonwealth, West Ger- many and France ? This combination would form an impregnable barrier against eastern aggression, and such close co-operation between the three leading powers of Western Europe must bring great and enduring results in our struggle to preserve our common Christian civilisation and heritage. As some- thing tangible and definite it would also have an immediate and stimulating effect on the morale of Western Europe.

It -is believed that an Anglo-German defen- sive alliance is not only possible but highly desirable in the interests of the future deve- lopment of Western Europe. The good points of the German character are not well known because the bid ones have been so prominent in recent years, but the added stability which would result from a close understanding between Great Britain and Germany should prove sufficient to counterbalance misdirected German emotionalism, and prevent Germany from attempting adventures based on imagi- nary racial superiority. The Germans haye great respect for tradition, and this would prove to be the closest point in common between the two peoples.

The inevitable Russian fears and objections could be allayed by guaranteeing her against attack in the same way as the Locamo Treaty of mutual guarantee in 1925 safeguarded all the participants against aggression.—Yours faithfully, near Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire