Sta,-:-Although Pamela Dunn"s letter in your last issue may be
taken as a fair satire on Mr. Evelyn Waugh, I would like to point out that his attitude is not shared by all Catholics.
1. as a Catholic, and others, I am sure, like me, feel as much moral indignation at the injustices per- petrated in Hola, Nyasaland, Cyprus, Suez and so on, as we feel about Communist injustices in. Hungary and elsewhere. We protest, on moral grounds. against the imprisonment of Catholic priests and cardinals on trumped-up charges; how then can we regard she detention of Dr. Banda as a purely political matter?
Murder and persecution of any kind are far gravet issues than unfairness over Catholic schools.
We do not believe that morality is a private matter, but, on the contrary, that to'shirk moral responsibility towards others is immoral.—Yours faithfully,