16 OCTOBER 1964, Page 6

Last Word

'For the trade unionist the choice is this: whether to remain sunk in the stick-in-the-mud attitude of the Twenties and Thirties, a prey to depression fixations, meeting today's prosperity with yesterday's attitudes of mind; or whether tb operate an up-to-date organisation in the modern conditions of affluence, where the object should be to produce as much wealth as possible and get a fair and increasing reward for an honest day's work. For the industrialist the choice is somewhat different and will vary from industry to industry. It is whether to play safe to divide up the market, to insist on resale price main- tenance and the other restrictive practices of in- dustry; or whether to get out and take in modern conditions those risks which created British in- dustrial supremacy in the first place and are the very basis of a free mercantile economy: to seek opportunity not safety and to reap commen- surate rewards.—Lord Home in November 1961.