How to take part
Each issue of The Spectator from now until the Christmas issue (18 December) carry a clue. Each clue will be made up of three skParate questions, designed (except where ,tatect) to give the same answer; all the tInsWers, except last week's, will be places in tue British Isles — making up a treasure 1.11 which will lead eventually to the exact whereabouts of the treasure.
It will not be necessary to visit the places
rillestion, but to be certain of arriving at t
aeasure it will be necessary to keep a
0'ecord of all the places along the trail — in „t her words to solve all the clues in the rurcler in which they appear, and to give easuns on the answer form. Even if a complete sequence of clues is not solved correctly, it will still be possible, great ingenuity, to guess at the hiding " ace of the treasure from only a partial set °I answers. But, in determining the order of those who arrive at the treasure, preference will be given to those who can supply the fullest set of answers both to clues and individual questions. In the case of individual ques- tions some brief indication should be given that the literary, historical or other reference has been recognised. The outright winner will be the person who identifies the hiding place of the treasure with the most complete set of answers both to clues and individual ques- tions.
The closing date for entries will be 14 January 1983. No entries will be opened before the closing date. If several correct and complete answers are received then the winner will be decided by lottery. In the event of any dispute or doubt, the final ar- biter will be the Editor of The Spectator. The competition is not open to employees of The Spectator or their relations.