16 SEPTEMBER 1865, Page 1


THE meetings of the Emperor of the French with the Queen of Spain at San Sebastian and Biarritz, the marriage of Miss Crosse with her groom at Wandsworth, post-mortem examinations of cows, industrial exhibitions in Nottingham and Reading, the Doncaster races and Gladiateur's easy victory, papers on can- nibalism, coal, oysters—the universe, read before the British Association, accounts of the ravages of the cholera in Constanti- nople and of the Shenandoah in Behrings Straits, an explanation from Mr. J. P. Benjamin how morbid was the tenderness of the Confederates for their Federal prisoners, an explanation from the official journals of Prussia how Count Eulenburg only murdered M. Ott with a scabbard, if he murdered him at all, Mr. Moens' rather favourable report on the Italian brigands with whom he was so long a captive, Mr. Gladstone's playful speech at Hawarden on his son's merits and demerits, the dark threats of the Fenians, and Lord Palmerston's approaching gout,—such have been the subjects on which men have conversed or attempted to converse, and editors have felt an unaccustomed interest during the past week.