The Lands of Scott, By James F. Hummel (Black.)—This is
a laborious and exhaustive work about one of our groat national writora which we ewe, as indeed we do often owe such works, to the energy and enthusiasm of a foreigner. Mr. Hunnewell is a native of the United States, who has made the study of tho poems and novels of Sir Walter Scott one of the groat objects of his life. He thinks it necessary to account to his readers in his preface for his publishing "another book about travel in Europe." He could not have a bettor justification than is found in the plan of his book. The Lands of Scott are the scones of his poems and tales, and are of very wide extent, including, as the author says, "nearly all the shires of Seotland, much of England, a part of Wales, the Isle of Man, France, Spain, Belgium, the Valley of the Upper Rhine, Switzerland, and even the far East." Nearly all of those places the author has visited. His method has boon to give an account of each work, with a summary of its contents, and a special description of the scenery of the localities to which it introduces the reader. All this is very well done. Mr. Hunnewell, though an ardent admirer or Scott, does not fail to exorcise upon his works a judicious criticism. Altogether, he has supplied the publio with an excellent handbook to his author.