There is no reliable news of the negotiations for peace.
The Porte has, it is said, declined the armistice, but intimated its readiness to make peace, and to permit "a suspension of hostili- ties" during the negotiations for peace. This is very like accept- ing in effect an armistice of undefined duration, terminable by notice at any time, instead of one of defined duration. But there seems little probability of agreement as to the terms of peace. If we may believe the reports, the new Sultan, Abdul Hamid, is more pacific than his Ministers. It is said that he has alteady rebuked them pretty sternly for past mismanage- ment, and has declared his wish to giVe Europe a guarantee of his sincere desire for an understanding with its Govern- ments, and for a just treatment of the Christians. Still, no terms of -peace seem to be talked of which even propose autonomy for Bosnia and the Herzegovina, and the terms of peace discussed for Servia all contemplate a drawing of Servia's teeth, that is, fresh guarantees to be given by Servia for her military helplessness or more complete dependence on her Suzerain. The intervention of Russia would probably prevent a peace of that kind ; but the intervention of Russia, unless England and Russia come—as they ought to do—to a cordial understanding, would doubtless mean a European war.