Reunion in the Heavenly Kingdom, and other Discourses. By the
Rev. William Anderson, LL.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Dr. Ander- son% faith was a power in his own life, and he had the gifts need- ful for making it also a power in the world. There are some things which we feel to be wanting in these discourses, and sometimes we have to regret a narrowness, arising from the'hircumstances, not the heart of the writer ; but one essential thing is there,—thoroughness of conviction, the secret of a tree prophetic emetness and prophetic 'vigour. Dr. Anderson did not follow the modern way of cherishing a sceptic. His method with the man was very different. He is speaking of one who denies the personality of the Devil : ' The doctrine," he says, "is violation of the holiness of God's character. My reply is, that so soon as he clearly reconciles with thisholiness the fact that he himself is permitted to go round among his acquaintances to shake their faith with his sophistries, and debauch their hearts with his seductions, I shall explain to him why Satan's temptations are permitted My other word is one of scorn. I would that those men who repudiate with a sneer the doctrine of Satan's existence and power, would give us better demonstration in their conduct than they do that they have him not for their father and master ! No, I will not believe it when they say it, that of themselves they are quite sufficient for the feats of wickedness which they often perform, without being prompted thereto by his ex- ternal agency." He is speaking again to an advocate of the "Ape Theory :"—" Speak for yourself, Sir Vindicate for yourself a brutal lineage, if through the pressure of your debased moral temperament you must ; but do not presume to classify yourself with honourable men, of which character you are not. That is my opinion of you; according to your own opinion of yourself that you had some large ape for the ancestral founder of your family." These quotations show the homely vigour of Dr. Anderson's style ; we wish that we had room for others which would exhibit some of his higher characteristics.