16 SEPTEMBER 1955, Page 15

Sia,—As a nation we have short memories. I wonder how

many of your readers realise that this week brings the fifteenth anniversary of one of the most decisive battles in our his- tory—a battle no less crucial than Trafalgar or Waterloo. I refer, of course, to the Battle of Britain, and my purpose in so doing is to appeal for support for the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, which has shouldered a sub- stantial part of the nation's debt arising from the battle. Every year over 20,000 calls are made upon the fund for help in many sorts of emergencies. These calls come from those who served or pre serving in the RAF and WRAF; many are from those who fought in the Battle of Britain or from dependants of those killed.

Many types of help are given, ranging from financial assistance for the aged and sick to the education of the children of those killed or disabled while serving. Education, for ex- ample, cost over £183,000 last year out of a total of £557,316 spent on all forms of assis- tance. Well over 1:61 million has been spent since the fund was founded in 1919; 253,309 awards were made between VJ Day and the end of last year. That is a great deal of money, involving a great deal of work, but it is a great work that must go on—increasingly, perhaps, as veterans of the war years grow older and for the first time require assistance.

Memories of the battle itself may grow dim. Children born in 1940 will soon be leaving school, and many of those who fought the battle have long left the RAF. Yet while memories of the conflict may fade, we must never forget our obligations to those who fought as 'The Few' and to their many col- leagues who flew and died in theatres of war all over the world. The RAF Benevolent Fund has a duty to remain strong. Its strength can come only from the public. Therefore all con- tributions and donations, no matter how small, will be thankfully received by me at 67 Port- land Place, London, WL—Yours faithfully, KNOLLYS. Chairman of the Council, RAF Benevolent Fund

67 Portland Place, London, WI