Ugandan Asians
Sir: You are of course perfectly right in maintaining that Britain, which so irresponsibly left the Ugandan Asians unprotected, has a moral obligation to take them in. South Africa, with no such commitment, would show enlightened self-interest if it did the same. What fascinates and alarms about the whole discussion is the hypnotic association, common to both Right and Left, of multi-racialism With egalitarianism. Of. all peoples, the British should know better. For four centuries of Roman occupation we interbred With the legions, of whom only the higher officer cadre were from Rome. The great-grandfathers of Arthur's knights could have been Germans, Gauls, Spaniards, Basques, Swiss, Bulgarians, North Africans, They possessed one common factor: they were healthy, hardy men, with the qualities of brave and efficient soldiers.
Alexander the Great (busy up to his death in breeding a Macedo nian-Persian elite, to which no doubt had he lived he would have added Indians) used to say "All Men are God's children; but the excellent ones he makes more his own than the rest." He had an in tuitive sense of evolution, which so Many fashionable thinkers are now dedicated to putting into reverse.
M. Challans